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On 7/12/2024 at 5:03 AM, Abomb said:

I've been looking on the internet but came up empty handed. I was hoping that maybe one of you might have a resource that I am not aware of.

I'd hit the best record store within reasonable travel time and get the proprietor searching. I say it that way 'cause they're disappearing rapidly around here.

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50 minutes ago, JohnJ said:

ISP did kick back to me the $ for the time that they did not provide service.


Problem is we had another weekend. :huh:  I mean the internet went out again.

Believe after three consecutive events it can be called a streak!

So I put in for two more days... out of the past 21 days 7 were without the www.



oy yoi yoooiii


Hello John! Did you say that their reception equipment was mounted on a electrical/utility pole for line of sight, instead of a dedicated pole mount?

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43 minutes ago, geezin' said:

I'd hit the best record store within reasonable travel time and get the proprietor searching. I say it that way 'cause they're disappearing rapidly around here.

Unfortunately they sure are. Thanks for the advice. I tried that tack. Unfortunately our local store doesn't deal in 78's. Maybe when I get some extra time at work I'll try some shops around Manhattan if I can find any.

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Found a deal too good to pass up. Semi-upgrading the CD Player. Was able to grab a refurbished like new Onkyo C-7030 for $180.00. Actually it is a giant upgrade from the crap Sony DVD player I have been using. I guess I'll compare the Wolfson chip with the Schiit external that I have when it arrives. 

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6 hours ago, JohnJ said:

hey Billy it's up about 80 feet on a big tree! They flipped it on somehow from their office today!


Haven't had any confrontations with anyone there... maybe they're bose fans!

Lol, yes, guess you do have a los problem. Yes electrical pole bad enough but, a tree...worse case. Anyway, whatever stb they are attached to, hope you got abit of surge protection going.

Dang well isolate your audio system from it...dang.

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4 minutes ago, JohnJ said:

Had to get an 8 ft copper rod to ground that setup when they hooked me up. Had close hits from the other direction, but haven't discerened any snap crackling & pops that direction!!

Yes John , even an inexpensive surge protector better than none. Saw a 100 dollar strip protector disintegrate yet, it got the dudes components. It protected their satellite, but not his stereo.

Ground rods, when they work is alright but... stories can tell you. Alright!

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Yep @billybob1 I lived in FL for a decade. One summer we got it from five tropical systems 2 storms then less. You talked about ZeroSurge a few years back when I lost my $3k pc to a surge down in the swamps of Clemson.

Remember the Dr. between Sattellite & Melborne beach on that clear day?:(


Couldn't do the whole house setup but I'm well covered now.

Not ignorant about those surge kamakazie boxes any more!

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Turns out the "refurbished" player was a lemon. Locked up and wouldn't eject my Burning for Buddy 2 CD. After complete disassembly I am happy to say my CD was retrieved with no damage. The seller after some high volume telephone conversation agreed to replace the unit with a brand new one at no extra cost. I explained that I obviously know the inner workings of a CD player and that sending me a unit that is not factory new would be ill advised.

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3 hours ago, the real Duke Spinner said:

Supposedly the CD Player is transparent

Not my experience I went from a Demon to American manufactured Jolida

w0w !!

Stunning diff in dynamics and resolution

I totally understand. I was only using the DVD player as a transport . I was running digital coax into a Schiit Mani as an external DAC. The Jolida is a little more than I want to spend right now. I'm sure that it's stunning. I'm considering something in that price range for Christmas. 😏

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I'M Back Tonikaku GIF


A bit beat up but movin.  😂  Plates been over-loaded for the past 3-4 days.  Nuts to put it mildly.  Road tripped up to Cleveland and caught Walter Trout at a small venue.  Few snags on that deal but wound up row 2 center so yea, pulled it off w/no problem.  A good time for all.  Got a few things signed and had a couple of laffs from the past.  Been crazy around here.  Re-charged today.  Kinda maybe.  Hopefully back to abby-normal tomorrow and enjoyin my mornin coffee.  Duckburg?  Yea, was time to get outta Dodge! 



He's out, so if ya hit his site better get ya sum.  60 early and the scalpers are gougin the morons 300+.  He's worth EVERY penny too.  Think Hooker, Canned Heat & Mayall.  Simple!  :)





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3 minutes ago, Invidiosulus said:

Daddy’s Late Nite Diner.

Yea, rub it in.  I'm starvin and NOT cookin OR running to Taco Bell for garbage!  😂

I even think my milk's out of date so scratch the ceral.  Yea, THAT stinkin busy!  Ugh!

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