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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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19 hours ago, dirtmudd said:

Where's the coffee?

Always have coffee: even if it's the grocery store type I've got now that's not too bad.


You would have had to be raised where I was possibly in the same era. My mother and her friends always thought it was funny. Milk, bread and eggs would be wiped off the shelves of the A & P the day prior to snow being called for. Like eggs and chicken now. And back then? (70s) it snowed anytime between Oct to even past Easter.


Weatherman was spot-on this week! But it's gone up to 30 already for the first time in about a week, it will be gone soon. I'd walk around with my coffee now but slippery hills and spilling it would go together too well!


A couple hours ago:



Compared to last weekend:



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Got a couple inches here last night.  Neighbor from around the corner slipped down and blew mine out again.  Guess he's the culprit but I'll get even next year.  Prolly give him a hand with his leaves from the moron across the street.  I'm sure he's wondering why he's getting hammered too when they fall.  lol  Crazy place.  Wouldn't wanna live here.  lol

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After nearly a month in the islands, we woke up yesterday to about 4 inches of the white stuff. The roads were all pretty clear by afternoon.


Cold over night so a refreeze... will wait until late morning to go out... let the sun do its magic.

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27 and sunnhy in Duckburg!  Spinnin away here then doin  the grand's hoops game later, which is always an adventure.  Imma skoolin and grinnin so we'll see what shkes out this week.  Three games?  Blah.  We got this!  :)

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The band made it over the mountain to TN on Saturday for our music video shoot.

We were able to shoot everything on schedule and finish up in time to make our dinner reservation.


This week we’ve got to practice and nail down a handful of songs for a gig at a private party this Saturday.





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All quiet in Duckburg.  Cole, more snow overnight and my neighbor is still blowing out my drive.  ALMOST got out of bed and sent him home but I was nice and comfy.  Whatever works for him I guess.  😂  Slept til 1145 so yea, niiiice and comfy.  lol  I'll  slip down and plug his yard a couple times this year to even things up.  :)



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