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Love my Klipsch speakers


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Hello Klipsch fans,

I have been to hundreds of symphony orchestra performances, off-Broadway musical theater shows and decades of rock concerts. At the end of the day, it is always a pleasure to get home and listen to my Klipsch speakers.

I would like to join your Klipsch Forum. You folks are a very friendly, interesting and intellectually generous group of people.

Here is a picture of one of my classic Rosewood Klipschorns.



Edited by Khornukopia
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You folks are a very friendly, interesting and intellectually generous group of people

Well it will take a little while but you will get to know us. :o:D

Welcome Khorn, your right no matter what you do it's nice to know you can always hear some great music back at home.

Nice looking wood grain.

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Hello Klipsch fans,

I have been to hundreds of symphony orchestra performances, off-Broadway musical theater shows and decades of rock concerts. At the end of the day, it is always a pleasure to get home and listen to my Klipsch speakers.

I would like to join your Klipsch Forum. You folks are a very friendly, interesting and intellectually generous group of people.

Here is a picture of one of my classic Rosewood Klipschorns.



Welcome to the Forms!! Come on in a sit a while. We love pictures here, how about some more photos of those beautiful Rosewoods!! :rolleyes:


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Thank you for the warm welcome. Here is a picture of the other corner. To answer the question about my opinion on wires and cables, the mirror is hanging by fishing line from above, not touching the speaker, so I can see the top from around the room.


Edited by Khornukopia
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