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Its so frustrating these days being about 40 and how twisted the listening to music has become. I understand the dead spot many years ago and appreciate filling that with a center. I also hold dearly audio blurays and sacd truly it is a great standard to show the appeal of true surround sound music. Money is the factor i find that has saturated the world with music in surround sound.

To actually walk in to a store so very few and so very far away with any 2 channel setups for demo then buy are basically obsolete. I do watch my movies in surround. Music on the other hand under all circumstances should be in 2 channel. Its so simple. And manufacturers that cater to the 2 channel truth music movement as i see it reserve such a premium to obtain the gear to enjoy 2 channel if you can find it at all.

Its all on the internet by order and take a chance and send it back if its not what you want. And even at that point with a 2 or 3 way 2 channel system a subwoofer makes music happen in ways that need to be done. There are still not 2.1/2.2 preamps made to provide the clarity other than to use lfe which is a loss in so many cases of valuable tones of bass. I do not understand why surround sound has completely wrapped music into a non possibility of 2.1 or there about due to the surround sound movement. Its terrible

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I'm guilty of mostly 2 channel listening myself, tried multichannel setup with Chorus II's many years ago and was not impressed nor have i heard anything else to get me to switch over again.

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No, in response to the question, I'm saying that most of us "old" guys here listen to 2ch most of the time.


I am 29 and have had 2.1 since my early 20's and i couldnt be happier. I have a pair of khorns running off a Fisher 500C with a thtLP horn sub. I feel like the $ i would have spent on a 5.1 or 7.1 is better spent on a 2.1 and able to spend more on better quality 2 speakers. I listen to 80% music.

I have 2 friends my age who recently purchased a home and were after a 5.1 system and i convinced them to get 2 channel, one friend is runnig a pair of la scalas and the other a pair of forte's. Both of my friends are very happy. I meet alot of people and many comment on how someone of my age, being so young, prefers 2 channel over 5 channel. This is what works for me.


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2 channel all the way for music, not a fan of surround although if I had the space a nice home theater would be great for movies.

I have never had a "Dead Spot" in 2 channel listening when properly set up. I suspect this would be a byproduct of a very large room and speakers to far apart, which in most cases is easily overcome by moving speakers closer to one another

K-horns in the above situation I suppose would benefit from a center channel

2 CHANNEL RULES :emotion-21::emotion-21::emotion-21:

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I think thats why a lot of us are here, though there is a lot of folks around that were sucked in by home theater, which now have 2 channel systems. I think there are a lot of people that don't set down and listen to music like we do, but they probably don't come around these parts as well. Yes put me down for good ole 2 channel listening.

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Guest David H

for a long time I was digging the DVD-A and SACD Multi-Channel stuff big time. I still like it to some degree but lately I have been drawn back in to pure 2 channel listening.


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Well, two years ago I would not have understood. But now I do and I know my audio journey is jsut beginning. For me, 2 channel is the way to go to appreciate music. I am now digging up all my old records, restoring a Garrard Type A record player I used when I was a kid. Recently picked up an old stereo tube amp that just sounds awesome and I am looking to dedicate a room in the house just to 2 channel listening. Then I picked up a pair of KG 5.5s for my son as a birthday present and it was hard to let them go to his house. They sounded fantastic with the tube amp!

For movies, TV of course, I really enjoy my 5.2 system.

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