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hearing aids and music


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I was wondering if there are any forum members that are hearing aid users? I am about to start wearing my first set and was wondering if any of you use them for music or prefer not to use them when you are listening.  


hope you all are having a great day!

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Mine is in the higher freqs as well, but I don't adjust for it mainly because I prefer less brightness anyway, and since I'm now using exclusively tubes or vintage Pioneer amps, they have the warmth and richness I enjoy more to begin with.

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I was wondering if there are any forum members that are hearing aid users? I am about to start wearing my first set and was wondering if any of you use them for music or prefer not to use them when you are listening.  


hope you all are having a great day!

I wear them, for ten years, very expensive ones so I can hear what is going on in court. They have two microphones forward, one rear. They have 4 program settings, general, television/movie, music/cconcerts, and I believe cocktail party.

If you are like most people you will have a hearing loss that is centered around eithet 3, 4 or 6khz. As aging progresses a notch from 6 to 8 develops and then later high frequencies go. if you are down in the high frequencies you will need digital and open fit style. Typical hearings aids focus more on the frequency of human speech. Advanced digital will get you a wider frequency range.

I was blown away with how much better music sounded and just how much I was missing.

Looking forward to hearing how your experience is after you have tried them out.

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I wear hearing aids as well.  Hearing in right hear is 80% gone; Left ear is 60-70% gone.

I'll take them out at a live show--providing it is loud enough :D

I wish I had the same results as Travis described...mine are only $5,000 for the pair, so not top of the line. High pitched sounds sometimes cause feedback which is annoying. I went YEARS without using them and have now had them almost three years.  There is a setting that is supposed to be strictly for music and was described to me to only amplify sound and turn off any filters (whereas the general setting has filters to reduce ambient sounds to enhance voice recognition).  Not sure if what I'm hearing is natural or artificial; but, at least I'm hearing.

They paid for themselves the week after I got them...ran into an actress that I've appreciated--incredible British accent, and was able to have a conversation and only had to ask her to repeat herself once.  I told myself that I'd never complain about the hearing aids costing $5K

Good luck to you.

Edited by BigStewMan
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