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Klipsch wish

YK Thom

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I have actually always preferred the Reference line over the Heritage line. Not to say the Heritage line is "bad" or anything, I just like the Reference sound better. Plus, there are no matching center or surrounds when you go Heritage, they are pretty much for music listening only.

Heritage can be used in a surround system, you just need the room to do it. I have Khorns with a Belle center, Vertical CWs for rears and Heresy slants for surrounds. Now the problem is I don't have the room for that. I put them back together (I'm in the process of refinishing them) and we set it up outside one day for kicks. Blew us away! I know there are others who go Heritage for HT. And then there are the guys who go Pro, thats the big leagues, I'm content in AA ball for now



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Plus, there are no matching center or surrounds when you go Heritage, they are pretty much for music listening only.

That's funny... Just for giggles there are LaScalas being used as surrounds as well.

It can be done of course, although the numbers of people with rooms large enough to accommodate such setups are a minority. For the tens of thousands (probably more), who reside in condos and smaller spaces they are not practible. Many (myself included), have space for a single system which must double duty as a two channel music system part time and handle TV/movies the rest of the time.

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