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Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think


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3 minutes ago, garyrc said:

Another investigator found that the intention to take Latin.in school was just as related to high cognitive performance.  The Latin group was higher functioning before they took Latin.

Whole post mirrors my thoughts on SO many studies over the years that became scientific gospel...until totally negated by more stringent tests.  Pot is a very good case in that so many millions and millions have been spent trying to find it unhealthy.  But today, just as when it was written, the worst effect of pot remains as in the chapter devoted to it in the early 1970s book "A Childs Garden of Grass."  That whole chapter has two words:  "Getting busted."  When people are looking for evidence of something they find it. 




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14 hours ago, Mallette said:

And I stand against all laws that do not respect the sovereignty of the individual over their own body.  Laws should proceed from this self-evident concept.  Restrictions on actions should deal only with those items we agree infringe on the freedom of others.  Riding a motorcycle, requesting euthanasia, smoking pot or tobacco in your own home, and the like involve potential danger to oneself but no one else.  One may be spiritually or simply biased against those things but I don't see it as my right to rule over others when it comes to their own bodies. 



Don't use me to get your soap box on!

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I could care less what any of you do (Dave) if you dont care.  Snort it, smear it on yourself whatever!


I grew up with a father who grew and sold.  Always had an attic full of 6' plants drying.


usually had local PD parked at the end of the street. 


But Dave all those activities you say only affect you, that's shortsighted and selfish.  


You have family?  Being ABLE to do something g doesn't mean you should...

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Our entire existence is based on laws.  There are things we can and get do.


I have a belief system both ethical and spiritual that does define what I do.


Our lives are regulated and limited.  Not debating whether people should or shouldn't.


 I think it has medicinal properties and other value (as a plant fiber)- if used properly and legally.


As a drug,  I think alcohol is more dangerous.  


I personally think smoking anything is gross and unhealthy.  Just my preference.  If you do-Altoids!  


Dave, whole can for you:). Please!!!!!

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I know they do.  Im not a contrarian to the topic.  As a social worker ive worked with murderers, pedophiles, abusers, addicts, etc.  Marijuana was never a concern with whats out there.  


Got attacked and had to fight off a male client on bath salts.  Thats fun stuff

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3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

Don't use me to get your soap box on!

Would it be better if he used you to get his soapbox off?


3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

I could care less what any of you do

If that's the case, how much less can you care? 

3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

Our entire existence is based on laws.  There are things we can and get do.

Our entire existence is based on laws...how so?  I believe that we will exist, regardless of laws. 

3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

Our lives are regulated and limited.  Not debating whether people should or shouldn't.

Limited be what / who? Laws? 

I debate whether I should or shouldn't. How have you not? Do you let someone else decide for you?


3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

I think it has medicinal properties and other value (as a plant fiber)- if used properly and legally.

Are you changing your stance as laws across the country are changing? Why was it illegal? 


3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

As a drug,  I think alcohol is more dangerous.


3 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

I personally think smoking anything is gross and unhealthy.  Just my preference.  If you do-Altoids!  


Dave, whole can for you:). Please!!!!!


15 minutes ago, Pats3of4 said:

Got attacked and had to fight off a male client on bath salts.  Thats fun stuff

Isn't that the stuff the dude in Florida was tripping on while eating another dude's face? 

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Liked DTEL's "after years of testing" and still posting.  Way to go !!  Sure laws are laws - some good and some should have never been enacted.  Now some states have it right but still, here in Indiana, getting busted puts you right next to a murderer or Father raper (Arlo Guthrie hehe).  While elected officials still believe smoking pot leads directly to shooting up Heroin and then a life of rampant crime.  Well we know the real truth that this is simply not true.  So, hopefully, Uncle Sam will get it right, regulate, tax, eliminate felony laws state wide and distribute in places, hate to say it, like Walmart. 

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8 hours ago, Pats3of4 said:

Don't use me to get your soap box on!

Had my say in that post and will not address your continued mention as you requested otherwise.  But I reject the "soap box" comment.  No different from yours and others comments here and applies to far more important things to pot.  Without grounding in something that can be defined "liberty" is just a grant of society and I reject that, preferring the Declaration of Independence wording that the origin is in "inalienable rights." 


nuff said...

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Patients ARE warned.  Very clear statistics are presented about survival rates with specific cancer therapies, such as surgery, chemo and radiation.


In my case with colon cancer they went snip-snip and took out half my insides.  After the surgery my doctor went over the percentages that chemo would add to the likelihood cancer would not return, and also the percentages that chemo could contribute to my death.  Chemo had had about a 2% chance of helping me after surgery, and I opted not to do that, thinking the surgery got it all.


That was 5 years ago.  I had my colonoscopy two weeks ago and the cancer had not returned.


But I ASSURE you, they have very good numbers which are shared with the patients. Cancer treatment has come a long way in the last ten years, and they have a lot of this figured out.  The doctor gave me information and after that I made my own decision.

I am so happy that you are doing well.
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9 minutes ago, jimjimbo said:

Yea, uh hunh.....

Didn't think that would work.


Mississippi laws



Offense Penalty Incarceration   Max. Fine  


30 g or less (first offense) N/A N/A $ 250
30 g or less (second offense) N/A 5* - 60 days $ 250
30 g or less (third offense) N/A 5 days* - 6 months $ 500


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19 minutes ago, dtel said:

Didn't think that would work.


Mississippi laws



Offense Penalty Incarceration   Max. Fine  


30 g or less (first offense) N/A N/A $ 250
30 g or less (second offense) N/A 5* - 60 days $ 250
30 g or less (third offense) N/A 5 days* - 6 months $ 500


Laws?  We don't need no stinkin' laws.....

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On 2/5/2017 at 1:55 AM, Pats3of4 said:

I grew up with a father who grew and sold.  Always had an attic full of 6' plants drying.



My dad's best friend grew small time I think, but he had a friend that grew big time.  One time that other friend was out of town and got wind that the cops raided his farm, found a greenhouse or two full of the stuff, had dozens of cops outside.  So, he just never came home, went on the run, probably went to Canada.  Funny thing is though, he would later become our substitute teacher in high school.  This guy literally had his mind fried from drugs, I have no idea why our school hired him or how safeguards weren't in place to keep schools from hiring people like that.  It was literally like if you take Tommy Chong and made him about 50% slower and not funny, you got this guy.  Just awful.  

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growing jobs in my neck of the woods..


Growing jobs in North Utica

Utica- North Utica will be home to a marijuana grow, for medical marijuana.

Bloomfield Industries is one of five in the state who has a license to grow and make medical products. They were recently bought by, Med Men, a California based company.

Brightwaters Farms Greenhouses on Herkimer Rd., will be home to the plants.

News Channel 2 spoke with Mayor Rob Palmieri, who said he's more excited for the economic benefits that go along with it. For example, Bloomfield industries is hiring about 20 people for the addition.

"It's a new level at this point, experiencing what the benefits will be as it grows. We're very fortunate to have them in the City of Utica. It'll continue to grow from a number of areas. They're going to need construction workers, along with other jobs," said Robert Palmieri.

Palmieri said the plant will reserve 10% of the factory for the grow, which equates to about three to four acres. 

For information on the jobs available visit: http://bloomfieldindustries.com/careers/

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On 2/4/2017 at 11:35 AM, Mallette said:

And I stand against all laws that do not respect the sovereignty of the individual over their own body.  Laws should proceed from this self-evident concept.  Restrictions on actions should deal only with those items we agree infringe on the freedom of others.  Riding a motorcycle, requesting euthanasia, smoking pot or tobacco in your own home, and the like involve potential danger to oneself but no one else.  One may be spiritually or simply biased against those things but I don't see it as my right to rule over others when it comes to their own bodies. 



Just wondering where the line would be drawn.  Should people be permitted to publicly hang themselves?  Not that you could necessarily stop them, but I find it difficult to know where my rights over my body begin to infringe on others' rights to... whatever.

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On 2/5/2017 at 0:07 AM, garyrc said:

Interesting.  So there may be something to it.  On the other hand, their prior long term use was associated with poorer verbal memory from the list of words.   Associational research is less convincing than research that has a manipulated (not "found") independent variable.  Correlation does not imply causation, only the possibility of causation.  Perhaps the group who used had worse verbal memory before they used.  The classic example of this state of affairs is illustrated by a British study that found that people who took Latin when in school scored higher on cognitive tests later on.  The faulty conclusion was that "Latin polishes the mind."  Another investigator found that the intention to take Latin.in school was just as related to high cognitive performance.  The Latin group was higher functioning before they took Latin.

A similar, larger study links high beef and pork consumption (more than 1/4 lb per day) to digestive tract cancer.  Discussing years of research:  https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2015/10/link-red-meat-cancer-need-know/


The same study (but you'll have to find the study yourself) found that consumption of chicken in lieu of beef did not increase probability of cancer.  Moreover, the same study found that high consumption of fish (more than 1/4 lb per day) reduced cancer risk.


So....  Does eating fish reduce cancer, or do people who eat more fish have other habits (like eating more vegetables, or exercising more) which reduce their chances of winding up with cancer?



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