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new SI drivers

Paducah Home Theater

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I was kind of surprised though, their announcement said they're in customs.  Sounds like the entire things are being built in China and shipped over.  Considering he had serious health issues plus wasn't making anything on the HT's, I guess that was inevitable.  

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So are these supposed to out-perform the UM18's?




If those preliminary specs are still accurate, it probably would just barely, at least in terms of output.  4mm more xmax, 4" vs. 3" voice coil.  Same xMech though.  


I don't see them beating the distortion on ultimax's though.  Ultimax's are at like 3% even at 115 db from about 32 hz and up.  I have yet to see another mass marketed HT sub that can do that, even LMS Ultra's.  HST-18's can't do that.  

Edited by MetropolisLakeOutfitters
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When you talk about one 18 driver beating another, it tricky because depending on which box size and design, you could pretty much end up being so close between the drivers that it is not really a major consideration.  Most folk doing DIY are going to have multiple subs to get the job done right.  I am not talking about high spl, nice clean bass and even room coverage.

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Biggest thing it will have on the ultimax is the 4" coil which will handle long term high power loads better due to heat dissipation, but I'm not sure that was really ever an issue with home theater in the first place.  Even then though you can't really go by that, because tighter tolerances dissipate heat better.  A 3" coil with tight tolerances may dissipate heat better than a 4" coil that's not so tight.  



Otherwise everything else is so similar that I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference in a blind test, and I doubt you'd be able to tell on this either.  


SPL at 2.83 V / 1 meter is within half a decibel.  


xMech is exactly the same.  


Fs is less than 1 hz difference.  


I don't totally understand Le, since it is supposedly married to Re, but just going by that raw number vs. what was measured at data-bass, it's within 0.04 mH, might as well just say it's exactly the same.  


Yeah one way xMax is 4mm more, but realistically speaking that only equates to 0.3" more worth of linear stroke, biggest limitation still being xMech, which is exactly the same.  



Biggest question is measured distortion.  Otherwise I seriously doubt anybody could tell the difference just listening to them based on what little information is available.  

Edited by MetropolisLakeOutfitters
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Biggest thing it will have on the ultimax is the 4" coil which will handle long term high power loads better due to heat dissipation, but I'm not sure that was really ever an issue with home theater in the first place. Even then though you can't really go by that, because tighter tolerances dissipate heat better. A 3" coil with tight tolerances may dissipate heat better than a 4" coil that's not so tight.

Otherwise everything else is so similar that I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference in a blind test, and I doubt you'd be able to tell on this either.

SPL at 2.83 V / 1 meter is within half a decibel.

xMech is exactly the same.

Fs is less than 1 hz difference.

I don't totally understand Le, since it is supposedly married to Re, but just going by that raw number vs. what was measured at data-bass, it's within 0.04 mH, might as well just say it's exactly the same.

Yeah one way xMax is 4mm more, but realistically speaking that only equates to 0.3" more worth of linear stroke, biggest limitation still being xMech, which is exactly the same.

Biggest question is measured distortion. Otherwise I seriously doubt anybody could tell the difference just listening to them based on what little information is available.

i get what your saying but if the ht-18 was ALMOST as good and this one is a substantial price increase? I'm optimistic. I think it's gonna be better. Nice makes beast drivers so I'm sure it won't disappoint.
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I'm pretty sure they will beat the ultimax. The ht-18 was dang close for 100$ less. And these are same price as the ultimax. I could be wrong though. It has happened before.

I was just looking at these on data-bass. These two are so close on most everything that it's not even worth mentioning, worst it ever gets is with the ultimax beating it by like 1 decibel and distortion levels at 115 db on both are within like half a percent. I just wonder what all this new one will try to improve.

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