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I recently acquired some vintage Mac gear for my bedroom, and it blows my mind how good the MCD7000 sounds. This player was made in 1985 and still has the chops to produce unbelievable sound. I compared the sound of the CD to the same song on my IPod and it wasn't even close. The only button on the remote that works is the Play button, but that was kind of expected. Big thanks to the guys at mcintoshcabinets.com for their outstanding work. Money well spent. Thought I'd share a couple pics. The MA6200 Integrated is pushing my 70th Anniv. Heresy's.



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On 11/1/2016 at 11:55 PM, Dawson's Ridge said:

Good to hear that the McIntosh CD player sounds better than the iPod.


Well, when you put it like that... :)


I've seen a lot of CD players from the early years that just don't have the ability to play a newer CD, for whatever reason. My amazement was more about how well-performing the 7000 was than the fact that it sounded better than the IPod. But yeah, point taken. Looking back... haha

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