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Headphones w/ R-15PM Turntable bundle pack?


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Hi all,


This is my first post. I recently bought this bundle, which is simple and beautiful for listening to vinyl on speakers:



The speakers listed are powered bookshelf speakers that also have the option to turn on a Phono pre-amp (by switching 'Line' to 'Phono' on the back). The design is meant to be 'no fuss'.


Which brings me to my current fuss. HOW CAN I USE HEADPHONES WITH THIS SETUP? Please tell me if this is possible (with additional components) because I have been reading conflicting information.


Attached is a photo of the back of the right speaker. The line/phono switch is what an audiophile salesman (who was not personally familiar with the speakers) said could be the feature that would let me be able to connect these speakers to a standalone phono pre-amp and/or headphone amp. Can anyone back this up? Does anyone have this setup w/ headphones?


It would be really disappointing if there was literally no way to be able to hook up headphones with this setup. Why didn't Klipsch include a headphone out on the speakers???


Thanks for reading!


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Unless that subwoofer-out puts out a full-range signal, which I doubt, I think you need some sort of combined phono/headphone pre-amp that would receive the signal from your turntable and then drive both your headphones and the phono input (set to line) on the R-15PM.

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1 hour ago, pbphoto said:

Unless that subwoofer-out puts out a full-range signal, which I doubt, I think you need some sort of combined phono/headphone pre-amp that would receive the signal from your turntable and then drive both your headphones and the phono input (set to line) on the R-15PM.


Thanks for the input.


Do you have an example of such a combined phono/headphone pre-amp? Any specific products would be appreciated.

Edited by cvillon
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I have had good luck with Schiit products but I don't think they make a single combined device like this.  If you are not opposed to two products, I'd look at a Schiit Mani phono-pre-amp $130  (I have one - very good) and then a Schiit Magni-2 Uber headphone amp ($150), which also has pre-outs for your R-15PMs.  Note when you plug your headphones into the Magni-2 Uber, it mutes the pre-outs - seems to make sense.


If you want one combined product, doing a quick google search, I found this but I don't have any experience or recommendations in this area:  https://www.amazon.com/Bellari-VP130-Preamplifier-Headphone-Amplifier/dp/B002TD4GME/ref=s9_simh_gw_g147_i1_r?_encoding=UTF8&fpl=fresh&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=&pf_rd_r=2V5XXVKT1YYJBFTZTB50&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=a6aaf593-1ba4-4f4e-bdcc-0febe090b8ed&pf_rd_i=desktop

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/22/2017 at 11:32 AM, cvillon said:

Hi all,


This is my first post. I recently bought this bundle, which is simple and beautiful for listening to vinyl on speakers:



The speakers listed are powered bookshelf speakers that also have the option to turn on a Phono pre-amp (by switching 'Line' to 'Phono' on the back). The design is meant to be 'no fuss'.


Which brings me to my current fuss. HOW CAN I USE HEADPHONES WITH THIS SETUP? Please tell me if this is possible (with additional components) because I have been reading conflicting information.


Attached is a photo of the back of the right speaker. The line/phono switch is what an audiophile salesman (who was not personally familiar with the speakers) said could be the feature that would let me be able to connect these speakers to a standalone phono pre-amp and/or headphone amp. Can anyone back this up? Does anyone have this setup w/ headphones?


It would be really disappointing if there was literally no way to be able to hook up headphones with this setup. Why didn't Klipsch include a headphone out on the speakers???


Thanks for reading!


Put the speakers 2 ft apart and put your noggin between them!

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3 hours ago, Yuper said:

Put the speakers 2 ft apart and put your noggin between them!


On 1/22/2017 at 11:32 AM, cvillon said:

Hi all,


This is my first post. I recently bought this bundle, which is simple and beautiful for listening to vinyl on speakers:



The speakers listed are powered bookshelf speakers that also have the option to turn on a Phono pre-amp (by switching 'Line' to 'Phono' on the back). The design is meant to be 'no fuss'.


Which brings me to my current fuss. HOW CAN I USE HEADPHONES WITH THIS SETUP? Please tell me if this is possible (with additional components) because I have been reading conflicting information.


Attached is a photo of the back of the right speaker. The line/phono switch is what an audiophile salesman (who was not personally familiar with the speakers) said could be the feature that would let me be able to connect these speakers to a standalone phono pre-amp and/or headphone amp. Can anyone back this up? Does anyone have this setup w/ headphones?


It would be really disappointing if there was literally no way to be able to hook up headphones with this setup. Why didn't Klipsch include a headphone out on the speakers???


Thanks for reading!


Do you have any kind of low-powered receiver or integrated amp around with a phono input  and a headphone jack?...with a tape-out jack?

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  • 1 year later...

Exactly I particularly chose the R-15pm speakers to go with my new at-lp120xusb, turntable setup, wanting to set it up in a different room than my stereo/amp and to use my headphones on occasion. I thought it was going to be a simple plug in the headphones and listen,  but to no avail is it that way.  Hoping not to have to add additional items to this in order to make my headphones work. If I had known it was going to come to this,  I would've just bought the additional item and used the turntable with my current stereo.  Just trying to get some awesome sounding music in all parts of the house!

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