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WTS: 70th Anniv Heresy Charleston, SC **SOLD**


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Original Boxes, all documents, Perfect Condition. They have about 250-300 hrs on them, so you don't even need to break them in. 


I am willing to drive up to 400 miles from Charleston if need be, but a date will have to be arranged as my schedule is a bit tricky. 


These speakers are wonderful, but I had to make a decision between these and my California Black Walnut editions. No need to keep them both, unfortunately.


Thanks for looking! 






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13 hours ago, wstrickland1 said:

just thinking of how nice these would be with the Sansui 9090db I just acquired. You know where I live and everything :D


You know, Billy, we could just start a co-op to use each other's gear whenever instead of selling it to one another!?!? HAHA


If you're interested, though, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have enjoying these beauties!!

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Timing was off.

I just spotted these today. Unfortunately, 2 weeks ago I decided on a complete rebuild on a pair of Heresy 1s, for the difference in price I would have considered these for our Summerville, SC place (where the project is installed). Timing is everything, and this time I missed a decent deal.

But I am happy with the way my project went.

If I come across anyone up here looking, I'll pass the information along





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