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Vinyl - Record Spinning

Full Range

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22 hours ago, Full Range said:


The concert tour of the USA was in 1974 and just turned 50 years old 

The album was first released 1975 

Great listening to it this morning 


Artist - King Crimson 

Title - USA 




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9 hours ago, Full Range said:




I could of scored it locally but I shuffled my feet and lost my seat




But waiting for the mail

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Hi everybody , the german footbal team lost against spain as forecasted by myself, so they´re out. The last four teams are fighting for the cup as they is Spain, France, England and the Netherlands. Let´s see which team will be in the final match, I guess it´s Spain vs England . However it´s just a game , after the european football championship the Olympic games will be held in Paris. Another big european sports event for the folks. It seems to me like 2000 years ago when the Romans had gladiators fight in their arenas, as they used to say "bread and games for the folks".



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Btw ..I spun some records during the week as there were YES " 90125 "




the british ProgRock Band Van der Graaf Generator " Still Life "




Kansas " Audio Vision "




and REO Speedwagon " Wheels are turnin´"



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6 hours ago, CWOReilly said:


Wait, I'm seeing something outta the box I likey!  The industrial look?  Just all of it?  Is this the first post I've seen of this rig or what?  Welcome to the red-headed brotherhood or at least mine cause I've not seen your rig!  I likey!    💪:)


I'd hang a bit guys but I'm now on ANOTHER mission from God.  So here's the back story.  My buddy Gary and his wife slipped all the way down to Cincy (3.5 hours each way and drove home) last night to catch Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs (2.5 hour show).  He said the show was great and his wifey absolutely loved it so there's ur heads up.


So there's one dude from Petty's crew.  Add Benmount Tench for the second dude.  Then factor in my old buddy Steve Ferrone on the kick drums for #3.  I'd told him to keep an eye out for Ferrone.  Yup, he was there he said. 


Then the bell went the f OFF in my wittle brain.  I checked my honey hole an hour away from me and BINGO I was right.  They're playing there tonight (Thurs) so guess what else now that the planets have aligned?


When I hooked up w/Steve in  Ft Wayne, IN about 5-6 years ago I only took one lp to sign.  His first.  Cut the Cake when he was with AWB.  I waited til last and he'd signed about 50 Petty lp's.  Yea, he knew me from seeing me backstage quite a few times when Petty played Cleveland.  I never asked them for anything up there.  Asked very few of the really big guns actually.  Got them later.  


Steve couldn't believe I brought that lp.  I said it was my fav and we'd hook up sometime later to get some Petty stuff signed since it was right after Tom's death.  He grinned and said ok.  Then we got into the back story of how he got his job w/Petty.  Mikey was a friend and they were in London on vacay and nosin for a drummer.  Campbell had played w/Steve before and Steve lived in England so called him for a tryout.  Steve said he played for an hour and Petty hadn't said a word.  He just kept playing so Mike saw the look on his face and said something to Petty bout Steve on drums.  Petty said yea he liked him and he had a job.  lol  To hear him tell it made it even funnier so we were both laffin about the twist of it all.  Steve ALWAYS laid down the perfect beat too so naturally I kinda watched him a lot in Cleveland.


Sooooo, I'm out!  Road trip time.  Takin ONE thing.  Mah Petty white bible collection of everything!  Yup, blamin it all on Ferrone too!  No ticket, just mah lawn chair to camp outside the bus and hang.  He'll be laffin and I'll be inside for sure.  Gonna tell him I knew then he'd be doin sumpin w/Mikey and Benmount.  hahaha  Did kinda think that too actually.  


It's an old guy kinda thingy!  Watch me go and cross your fingers for me.  On the 4th crate of signed stuff.  Save ya money, my clocks tickin down!  hahaha  Ain't happenin.  Well maybe.  :)


ALWAYS a song for every occasion!  




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4 hours ago, Dave1291 said:

Wait, I'm seeing something outta the box I likey!  The industrial look?  Just all of it?  Is this the first post I've seen of this rig or what?  Welcome to the red-headed brotherhood or at least mine cause I've not seen your rig!  I likey!    💪:)


I'd hang a bit guys but I'm now on ANOTHER mission from God.  So here's the back story.  My buddy Gary and his wife slipped all the way down to Cincy (3.5 hours each way and drove home) last night to catch Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs (2.5 hour show).  He said the show was great and his wifey absolutely loved it so there's ur heads up.


So there's one dude from Petty's crew.  Add Benmount Tench for the second dude.  Then factor in my old buddy Steve Ferrone on the kick drums for #3.  I'd told him to keep an eye out for Ferrone.  Yup, he was there he said. 


Then the bell went the f OFF in my wittle brain.  I checked my honey hole an hour away from me and BINGO I was right.  They're playing there tonight (Thurs) so guess what else now that the planets have aligned?


When I hooked up w/Steve in  Ft Wayne, IN about 5-6 years ago I only took one lp to sign.  His first.  Cut the Cake when he was with AWB.  I waited til last and he'd signed about 50 Petty lp's.  Yea, he knew me from seeing me backstage quite a few times when Petty played Cleveland.  I never asked them for anything up there.  Asked very few of the really big guns actually.  Got them later.  


Steve couldn't believe I brought that lp.  I said it was my fav and we'd hook up sometime later to get some Petty stuff signed since it was right after Tom's death.  He grinned and said ok.  Then we got into the back story of how he got his job w/Petty.  Mikey was a friend and they were in London on vacay and nosin for a drummer.  Campbell had played w/Steve before and Steve lived in England so called him for a tryout.  Steve said he played for an hour and Petty hadn't said a word.  He just kept playing so Mike saw the look on his face and said something to Petty bout Steve on drums.  Petty said yea he liked him and he had a job.  lol  To hear him tell it made it even funnier so we were both laffin about the twist of it all.  Steve ALWAYS laid down the perfect beat too so naturally I kinda watched him a lot in Cleveland.


Sooooo, I'm out!  Road trip time.  Takin ONE thing.  Mah Petty white bible collection of everything!  Yup, blamin it all on Ferrone too!  No ticket, just mah lawn chair to camp outside the bus and hang.  He'll be laffin and I'll be inside for sure.  Gonna tell him I knew then he'd be doin sumpin w/Mikey and Benmount.  hahaha  Did kinda think that too actually.  


It's an old guy kinda thingy!  Watch me go and cross your fingers for me.  On the 4th crate of signed stuff.  Save ya money, my clocks tickin down!  hahaha  Ain't happenin.  Well maybe.  :)


ALWAYS a song for every occasion!  




Just some recent acquisitions. Phase Linear 400 and 2000 series 2. Both just recapped. 

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Blah, the vision I had turned out to be just a vision.  Went up to bed and debated the entire thing.  I remembered I had an eye appointment on Friday.  It's about 1:30 South East of me and the appointment the next day is about 1:30 straight South of me.  So yea, kinda of a great idea became a really stupid idea.  😂


Crib time, fuel costs and I'm off to Cleveland Tuesday to catch Walter Trout shred after dinner and drinks on the patio @ the venue.  That's already laid on with my buddy and his wife and a good lookin friend I asked to go.  We're all good friends so there's that.


I did tell her she could drink all the white russians she wanted and we would get her home to sweetin the pot a bit.  Coupled w/dinner and a nice nite out w/friends sittin a block from Lake Erie then factor in my front row seats how could she refuse? 


Yea, she's been a friend for years but the down side of it is she's been married 3 times.  I can guarantee you Imma not gonna be #4.  :)


Even got some kid lined up who details cars out hittin the interior of mine, which hasn't been touched in about 7 years.  Waaaaay overdue!  Might have to open the doors, run the windows down and hit it a lick w/the leaf blower before I drop it off.  Help the kid out a bit.  I'm such a tease aren't I?  Gonna have her salivating.  😂


Hey, @Skelt sorry brother but ur on your own.  We road tripped one time and had a good time but I KNOW she's gonna smell better than you plus she's better lookin! 


I get it though.  I can almost hear ya.  RESIST old man she'd kill ya!  We'll be on the patio for drinks so find me I might buy ya a beer.  Doubtful but maybe.  😂  Sure I'd buy ya one keep ur eyes peeled.  :)  

Depends on how things are looking.  Not good, I'll buy ya a case if ya get her home.  MY ticket is out of the question.  So don't ask anything.  Just ask if I'm buyin you one case or two.  Shhhhhh.  A man thingy!   😂  😂  😂



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Hey everyone...sorry been really busy. Both Mom and Dad got Covid so I have been running back and forth from NY to Florida. They are both fine now thank God. In any case I have a real big favor to ask of everyone. I am trying desperately to find a copy of this for my Mother. She'll be up to visit with Dad next month. If anyone has a line on this please let me know. She had this set as a little girl and used to play it for me when I was no more than about 5 or 6. Any help will be greatly aappreciated.


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1 hour ago, Abomb said:

If anyone here happens to own this and it's in good shape I would happily pay a premium for it.

If it’s to listen to the content 

The best option and my advice is to find the archive recordings and download them then burn to CD 

Next best is to down load from YouTube and again burn to CD 




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