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SOLD-Eastern Elecric Tube Preamp


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I am selling my Eastern Electric Minimax Tube Preamp...

this is truly a giant killer and works very well for both tube amplifiers and solid state amplifiers. I ran this with my Class D monoblocks for several weeks before I got my Tube amp and it raised the quality of the sound stage considerably. I would place the sound at around 80-85% of the NBS for about 1/3 the price.


This is a single ended zero feedback preamp with the shortest possible signal path... nothing in the way of the sound. Very big power supply for a small package.


In it's final configuration with upgraded tubes, it is extremely dimensional and quite good... much much better than it's price point lets on as they retail for around $1100.


I am including a base tube set which includes 1-6x4 rectifier and 2-12au7's... one 12au7 is a follower and the second is the output. when rolling you need only really change the one output 12au7 though you can taylor the sound by changing both. I ran it with different 2au7's in each spot to get the best sound in my system.


I also have an upgraded tube set for this preamp that really was the pinnacle of clarity and dimension for an additional price. This consists of 1-Eico Mullard 6x4, 1-Siemens Silver Plate 12au7, 1-Eico Mullard 12au7. I have $120 in these tubes and could that price if sold separately. I would include those tubes for $75 (you would have two complete sets of tubes).


there are two very small "knicks" in the volume knob as seen in the pictures... it never bothered me as performance is more important.


I am looking for $550 shipped to any place in the continental USA or best offer. Friends and Family or +3% for pay pal.
















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