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SOLD -1976 Cornwall Decorators $ 650.00


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I have had these for 6 years or so.  In that time I have listened to these about 25 hours total.  They sound as Cornwalls should.  As is the case with most Decorators the original owners "decorated" them.  With these it was a modestly talented stain job.  Not too terrible but nothing that would warrant a magazine cover.  They each have a couple of nicks / or minor scratch.  Consecutive serial #'s: 11P086 & 11P087.  If you think my price is evidence of my profound ignorance of the Klipsch Heritage micro-economy please confine your comments to a private message where we can curse each other a blue streak.


In all seriousness, I would not be putting these up if I weren't taking delivery of a forum members Cornscala's later today.  Can demo on tube and solid state high quality equipment.  Local pick up Illinois / Wisconsin state line smack dab between Chicago and Milwaukee. 

Cornwall Decorators fronts.jpeg

Cornwall Decorators front.jpeg

Cornwall Decorators back.jpeg

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