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A few questions on Jamboree.


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welcome everyone.
I live with my Jamboree more than four years old. I want to share my experiences and observations.
First of all, I want to thank Dana Moore for the professional work on developing horns.

The first thing that caused me the question are different characteristics of the dynamics that can be used in the horns.

I do not speak for various technical characteristics of the speakers (TS parameters), but they have a power span from 150 W to 500 W.

It is interesting that someone at home will use one fifth of the power of one speaker (this is a hundred watts), and these speakers are four.
The question, in which room at home, can you easily listen 400 watts of music?

I use the coupled speakers of Bob Crittis in which the dealer replaces the coil by a standard 8 ohm.

Slit horn use 6X13 inches. By measuring and hearing the horn has its own resonance of about 150 Hz and a "hole" of 300 Hz. What in the sound leads to the effect of "boxes".
I managed to overcome this effect by dampening volumes on the sides of the horn.
And what about you?

Sorry for my English.

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Different woofers will respond differently in that cabinet. I have other plans from Dana, but never built any of his designs. I knoe that Greg at Volti really liked the Jamboree. I think there are are otjers here who have built that model who may have tried different drivers who might respond.


I would say, though, that most are not using much power (amplifier) with any of these horn loaded cabinets.


And welcome to the forums and don't worry about your English.



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Horn speakers tend to be very efficient, so you would not need much amplifier power.


I'm guessing that the Jamborees are about as efficient as my Klipschorns.   Do you have the sensitivity or efficiency specification?  The Klipschorns, in my 4,200 cu.ft. room (119 cubic meters), at 13 feet (4 meters) needs only 16 watts to provide 107 dB, and only 128 watts to provide brief peaks of 116 dB.  As much as 400 watts would be dangerous to the speakers and human ears, and, if the speakers could take it, would provide something like 121 dB, more than you would ever need, or be able to use safely.

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http://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/woof-woof-part-two-of-a-horny-day.286501/ post 16

Good afternoon guys
Here is a discussion of this situation on another forum. I fully agree with the author of the post number 16.
Could the same conditions apply to the entire list of speakers dictated by Dana? Namely: Bob Crites CW1526C, Klipsch K33E,
B & C 15HPL76W,
Eminence CB15, Iconic 165-G,
Iconic 165-GHP, EVM-15B,
JBL J-145.

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