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Original Dali 8 from 1984 help!!!

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I bought some vintage Ortophon speakers (In Sweden).They contained Scan-Speak drivers. A site in Japan offered to buy them at a very good price. However, I had to pay for the shipping (expensive !) and they would give me their final price after inspecting the drivers. All in all at maximum price  a would make a small profit otherwise I would make a loss at the sale...

So the point is value depend on were you have someting. So the vintage Dalies would probably go for less than 500 USD here. If you can fill a container with similar goods you could make a profit selling to Japan but not with single speakers.

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  • 2 years later...
On 7/5/2019 at 12:14 AM, wnabphil78@gmail said:

Hey all, I picked up a pair of original Dali 8 speakers, I have the specs from the Dali website but cannot for the life of me find out if they are valuable, one pair in Japan I. Selling for $3400. If anyone can help me I’d be grateful! Thanks Tom 


See links for the original retail price here, it was what corresponds to about 3,000 US dollars with the current inflation rate. The seller in Japan apparently set it to about the same as the retail price was. I am having some trouble with the crossover circuit inside my Dali 8 speakers, and would like to know if you can take a picture of how yours looks (more in the following link):



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