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SWAG dates moved.

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No nowhere near as crazy as SF. I built this house myself and was therefore able to spread costs out over several years. Buy land... wait, grade.... wait, do plans,permits..wait. You get the idea. I built the "plainest" house in very nice neighborhood.

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they dont get cold , that's good , no snow , no salt that rusts cars , yeah , I can dig it ------------and no rain , it's been falling hard over here for the past few days -----I love California but the houses are just too much money

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7 hours ago, Randyh said:

they dont get cold , that's good , no snow , no salt that rusts cars , yeah , I can dig it ------------and no rain , it's been falling hard over here for the past few days -----I love California but the houses are just too much money

Well that's not quite true. They had more snow this past winter than I did. Ridgecrest is not close to the ocean so they have a degree of winter and long hot dry summers.

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On 4/6/2020 at 6:27 PM, Woofers and Tweeters said:

I just now got home, it was nice to finally meet you all. 

I musta blacked out through the whole thing, thanks a lot Carl:)

Last thing I remember was those Super MWMs pounding my brain.

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On 4/6/2020 at 6:35 PM, Thaddeus Smith said:

Knocked out more farm projects though, so there's that.

Ditto here. Got a lot more of the wall I'm building done over the SWAG(was to be) weekend. Then it started raining Sunday night and has not stopped since except briefly here and there. Man it's soggy here. I don't know how people live in areas(like Seattle) where it rains all the time. It's depressing.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Set these up today and thought of SWAG. This is the first time hearing them in an outside setting since the '19 Pilgrimage. I don't do outside listening much but now it may happen more often. VERY sweet! Fiio X5 digital music player to a QSC PLX 2502, flat with no EQ. Our back yard connects to city owned land, with a couple walking trails. I figured people would enjoy some music while taking their nth walk during this Stay At Home thing. Music was at a good volume but went easy on the genres. Nothing too 🤘


Pete gave me some great take-stock-in-what-you-have advice about six months ago. I picked these up shortly after from JWC using UShip. Sorry Pete.....I took to heart every word you wrote..and couldn't help myself! These are great speakers.


Stay positive everyone.



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11 hours ago, Rivernuggets said:

Pete gave me some great take-stock-in-what-you-have advice about six months ago. I picked these up shortly after from JWC using UShip. Sorry Pete.....I took to heart every word you wrote..and couldn't help myself! These are great speakers.

Nice, I believe those started with @rockhound in the beginning.  They are truly in their element when they have a huge room or outdoors.  I try to take my own advice and have actually gotten rid of some items but I'm sure I'm not done acquiring either.  Rock On and we will see you in September!

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