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Tom Danley's Hyperion


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On 5/21/2021 at 4:18 PM, TBrennan said:

I know Tom Danley and when he lived in Chicago and worked for Servo-Drive heard several of his systems at his home and at Chicago Horn Club meetings. The systems consisted of his Unity horns and Contrabass woofers and sounded superb, as good as anything. Danley has an original mind and knows what he's about.

I have TD-1's and a BT-7 in the basement. Killer sound considering the age! Yes, it's been improved by modern standards, but not that much.

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Unfortunately, the comments that the reviewer made (in another "talking head" review) aren't terribly comprehensive, and too subjective.  It's like he wanted to find faults--but couldn't, and was surprised.  Perhaps he's used to hearing not-too-good direct radiating loudspeakers that "measure well" (well, except for modulation and compression distortion and directivity control response) but perform rather poorly as compared to well implemented fully horn loaded loudspeakers like MEHs.


One of the things I've noticed is that he listens only to pop/rock (and its subgenre) recordings:  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0gBVe7rwdZojX41LakrUUy


Where I really hear the difference in loudspeakers is not using these types of recordings.  YMMV.


Some comments by Mr. Danley around the loudspeaker and other designs/experiences on another forum--starting here:  https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/upcoming-tom-danley-hifi-speakers.19482/page-5#post-810432

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