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LA SCALA Junk Picked

Alan L

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So I was out and about today, a church had put a few items out for people to take along side a couple of large 40 yard dumpsters. Much to my shock doing a big double take, was this pair of La Scala's, I was shocked to say the least. I got them home, hooked them to an old Marantz 2235B  and they work perfect. All 3 drivers work as they should. Now I have inspected them very closely, they have consecutive serial numbers, 22T853 & 22T854. I was reading in your forum trying to figure a year on them and there was a good explanation of the parts and the year they were introduced. I can't see the woofer, but they have the AA crossover, the k 55 v horn and one tweeter says K 77 M but the other says K 22 R .....  I can find anything on that number! Now they are both the same and both are original, one reason I say this is because they have a black stamped number on the tweets and they are both the same, 944. And you can just tell these speakers have not been tampered with. The speaker type is a LS-BR. Would anyone know a rough year on these or anything about them?  They also seem to have a darker stain on them, almost like a dark walnut. I can find anything on this color either, but it also seems original because it is under the tag on the back and is bleeding through a little.. Any information someone might know would be great... Thank you!!

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So I have one more question. Now that I know how they were in their OEM format, I see they were not stained. Someone did use a stain on them but did not use varnish. It is just the stain. I'm pretty fair with finishing, do you think it would be at the speakers best interest to put them back to the OEM finish? 

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