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11 minutes ago, henry4841 said:

You are correct about that. Just as doctors and lawyers disagree when a bunch are in a room together. PWK had a badge for some of them. But when it comes necessary to believing someone on a social media forum or an electronic engineer I lean more to listening to what an engineer has to say. Electronic engineers design circuits technician's fix what they have designed. I built ALK's universal crossover from the schematic and thought it one of the best I have heard. Really like the fact one can change taps on the autotransformer to tailor the sound to your room. I can remember years ago those on this forum trashing what Al calls the swamping resistor in his universal. My thoughts were they just wanted to be important on a forum, not that they understood exactly what that resistor truly does. 

I can relate to that. Since my life after 1981 revolved around technical skills, especially after 2002 when design software and machining software and cnc machines entered my life. Forums were full of things that did not jibe with my experience. I started looking to those that do and not those that opine long ago. I don't agree with some very technical people but at least they had real reasons for their conclusions.

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8 minutes ago, CWelsh said:

I'm afraid to ask where you stumbled across this. My wife is forever accusing me of looking at "stereo porn".

Well Google has become a really poor search engine these last few years with lots of irrelevant search results. This showed up as an image  in a search for speaker designs. The site it referenced had nothing to do with designs but it did have this picture.

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2 minutes ago, Dave A said:

Well Google has become a really poor search engine these last few years with lots of irrelevant search results. 


Amen to that. I find that Google will substitute a word similar to one of my search terms, in order to "help" me, but not tell me that it did so. Well, when searching for technical terms, that's a real annoyance. If I'm searching for "Kalman filter", I don't want to see results for "coffee filter".

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1 hour ago, henry4841 said:

Al Klappenberger is an engineer, if I am not mistaken, in frequency circuits who decided to sell Klipsch crossovers. Highly talented and is respected in his field. Highly opinionated but talented people as himself can be somewhat eccentric. This is not to say I like all of his crossovers but some of his designs are improvements over dated designs of the past. Self banned on this forum is what I am reading on is website. Worthy of consideration if one has to try and improve one of PWK's designs. But if it is not broken why try and fix it. Not a fan of steep networks myself unless there is a need for such. Sucks the soul out of the sound in my opinion. 

I was reading this and thinking of Bill Gates famous no one will ever need more than 500mb storage on a hard drive years ago. Just as fast as capacity and speed advanced so did the demands placed upon it by increasingly more complex software. I had one of the current KPT-535 crossovers here a while back and it had 37 components on it. I counted because I could not believe it. Not reflecting on Al's work here just thinking about what is going on today. Complexity not dreamed of a few years ago because design software allows for it for better or worse.

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2 hours ago, henry4841 said:

I can remember years ago those on this forum trashing what Al calls the swamping resistor in his universal. My thoughts were they just wanted to be important on a forum,

It wasn’t being trashed, it was being discussed. BTW, JBL was using swamping resistors with autoformers long before Al stumbled into it. I have no real issue with it, I just prefer the sound without it. 

Here is what Kerry Geist of Klipsch had to say about it:




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1 minute ago, jimjimbo said:

Nothing could be further from the truth.

What is the truth then since you think you know. Share it with others not so smart. 


What I see is an impendence correcting resistor where one can change the amount of attenuation on the autotransformer much as the second resistor in an L-pad circuit which now Klipsch uses for attenuation instead of an autotransformer. I fail to see how a resistor has that much effect, if it does not change the impedance of the speaker, on the sound of a crossover network. The autotransformer and capacitors and inductors have way more effect on how a crossover network works. 


I do not want to start the conversation all over about what Al calls a swamping resistor that has been hashed way too much on this forum. Hashed so much that many intelligent technical people just gave up on this forum and left leaving the ones that talk louder. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it technically speaking. I like the ALK universal crossover. Excellent alternative to stock crossover.  

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Guys I know how threads like these go on this forum. A seller of crossovers starts posting saying I know more about crossovers then any engineer so buy mine instead of his. All his friends then join in and try there best to run them off this forum. I have no dog in this fight. All the sellers on this site sell decent crossovers with quality parts so they should not have to "trash" talk a competitors crossovers. That's all I am saying. 

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20 minutes ago, henry4841 said:

What is the truth then since you think you know.

My statement had absolutely nothing to do with the implementation of the swamping resistor, but you took it out of context.  You have made it a habit lately of making underhanded insults regarding members of this forum such as "they just wanted to be important on a forum," when that was clearly not the case.  Of course now you have the resident genius in your corner (I'm sure the other will show up soon) so perhaps they can explain it to you.

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3 minutes ago, jimjimbo said:

My statement had absolutely nothing to do with the implementation of the swamping resistor, but you took it out of context.  You have made it a habit lately of making underhanded insults regarding members of this forum such as "they just wanted to be important on a forum," when that was clearly not the case.  Of course now you have the resident genius in your corner (I'm sure the other will show up soon) so perhaps they can explain it to you.

In other words you do not know. I do not know what I said or done to you for you not to like what I post. Truth maybe. 

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11 minutes ago, henry4841 said:

Guys I know how threads like these go on this forum. A seller of crossovers starts posting saying I know more about crossovers then any engineer so buy mine instead of his. All his friends then join in and try there best to run them off this forum. I have no dog in this fight. All the sellers on this site sell decent crossovers with quality parts so they should not have to "trash" talk a competitors crossovers. That's all I am saying. 

See it different. Just an opinion.

Nothing invested yet, not certain why abit sensitive to crosstalk here. Express your opinion. Beyond that, can be perceived as a little personal.

It is a give and take affair here.

Take advantage of the open discussion. No one is attacking here. Comes with the territory of the abit controversial subject matter. Another year here and maybe you will perceive the forum differently. No reply expected or necessary.


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4 minutes ago, jimjimbo said:

Wrong again.

Technical minded people do not stay on this forum long. At least those that say the truth about a subject that disagrees with one of their long term members. Admittedly things are starting to change with different moderators putting a stop to misinformation being spread on this forum. Instead of buying those boutique caps some sellers like buy Klipsch recommended polyester caps from their authorized seller. In my world engineers know best. Stock crossovers that Klipsch designed are more then adequate for outstanding sound. Rarely if ever does an inductor or autotransformer go bad in something as simple as a crossover. Heat is what destroys those components and crossovers have no heat to speak of. Film caps also rarely need replacing in any electronic product. Sure if you replace them your speaker is going to sound different. The case with different vendors as well. Crap shoot if you will like what you hear. 

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If you are going to strawman me, the least you can do is use my name.


"What I see is an impedance correcting resistor... "
"I fail to see how a resistor has that much effect if it does not change the impedance of the speaker."


And these two sentences in the same paragraph make sense to you?


Klipsch doesn't use L-pads, they use series resistors.


I'm fine with the Universal, I built it for years. 


Many years ago I was trying to start a business, and I was promoting aggressively. Looking back, I realize it wasn't a good look. Now is much different -- I build when I feel like it, and turn down a lot of work. I'm sorry I left you with so much trauma. :P

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