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What's wrong with the NAD? I have a couple of those 1600 and they sound great. There's a retro magazine review online that raved about it, I think Audio magazine. Too bad modern preamp don't have all the nice eq options like Loudness and Bass EQ. It could probably use a recap with modern capacitors, if you have a stereo tech in your area. Replacing caps isn't too hard, really, if you know how to solder. You could get some high quality film caps to use in sections where applicable also. There are often recap kits on eBay, and there's a seller on Reverb who will custom make recap kits upon request. He's out of Ohio, where I'm at. Anyway, good look with your search! I've heard good things about modern Parasound preamps, and I'm sure modern NAD preamps are nice too. 

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33 minutes ago, jason str said:

The NAD has issues and zero phono currently. My experience with repairs on gear is done with. Going for something new. I saw the new NAD looks ok.

Yes, having a decent  phono section and remote a good thing. Rotel, Parasound worth investigating likely.

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I lucked into a used NAD C-165 preamp and Emotiva XPA-2 Gen3 last year for pretty much a “2 for 1” deal.


Having last owned a NAD C-162 feeding a couple of C-372’s amp sections, I was floored by the significant increase in sound quality.


I will say without a doubt though, as @absolve2525 mentioned, if it wasn’t for the Emotiva amp’s powerful bass performance I would miss the more versatile tone/EQ controls of the older preamps.


The newer preamps only give like +/- 5 db boost to the bass and treble now.  And no loudness control, pfffft...


I think the closest I ever get to listening to music “flat” is with the La Scala Splits, and even then I like a little more treble, and that’s WITH a pair of SMAHL lenses and DE-120 drivers.


One thing is for sure though, this hobby, or passion, hasn’t gotten any cheaper.  Each incremental step seems to be closer to a week’s take home pay.  


Thank goodness for the other hobbyists that pass their used stuff on to a good home for a fair price as they continue their journey.  



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24 minutes ago, Joecoulson said:

I have the Parasound P6 and it’s phenomenal for its price. More inputs than you could ever use, phono preamp (which I have not used) DAC (have not used either) and incredible bass management if you ever want to add a subwoofer. 

Second vote after owning it.  If I wasn't using a DAC straight into the amp, I would still have the p6. 

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5 minutes ago, jason str said:

Reading up on that Parasound the other day. Like it.

Its the Swiss army knife of preamps.  Not to mention, you can get a discount on them new.... Even the volume memorization feature is nice.   Balanced inputs and outputs, defeatable eq, remote, defeatable crossovers, solid onboard DAC.  What's not to like?   For the price point, new, I think it's a winner.   Not to mention the SQ is excellent. 

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I currently use an Onkyo Reference P-3000R which has served me well with its analog and digital inputs plus a very good DAC built in.  I also have a fully rebuilt Carver C-1 preamp that's had over 200 parts changed on it plus added remote volume control. But, I'm pondering buying one of the NAD C658 preamps with BlueOS built in.  I'm wanting something that does a step up better at streaming than going from PC to preamp.  Not to mention I used to be an NAD rep and still in good with the people at Lennrook.  

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I just ordered a NAD C-165 BEE, they were on back order like everything else. Anyway, it should be here Tuesday and I will let you know what I think. I chose it because it checked all the boxes and was within my budget. I don't need a built in DAC or balanced inputs. I plan to biamp at some point so the two outs with one that is adjustable is a plus. I use a powered sub and it has a dedicated sub out. MM/MC phono stage and a remote rounds out my wants. My old Tandberg 3002 A is a great pre and has been mostly restored. It's just a bit dated and, no remote or second output. 

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4 hours ago, Shakeydeal said:

What is your budget? And do you need phono?  If so, MM and MC? Remote a must?


The NAD should be pretty easy to beat sonically.

The budget was gone long ago. 


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