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DIY: ProMedia 2.1 Bluetooth Repair (no speaker output)


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On 5/13/2022 at 9:29 PM, JeffC said:

Fixed a set of ProMedia 2.1 BT that stopped producing any stereo output. Hope this can help someone else.

Klipsch Promedia 2.1 BT Amplifier Repair.pdf 1.81 MB · 332 downloads

Jeff, thanks a bunch. I enjoyed your writeup. Now I'm off to get some 50V 22uF caps and try to repair.


Thanks again for doing this.

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On 10/18/2024 at 6:06 PM, SKIdaho said:

Jeff, thanks a bunch. I enjoyed your writeup. Now I'm off to get some 50V 22uF caps and try to repair.


Thanks again for doing this.

Aargh. I went to the trouble to change the capacitor C22, and then hooked up the power supply leads backwards. Burned a trace on the board, and even when a bridge to replace the trace was installed, still didn't work. Oh well. Shouldn't have been so hasty. The blue-wire power connector goes next to the heat sink. Curses to Klipsch for putting on two pin-compatible power supply connectors.

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On 7/28/2023 at 9:41 AM, daniel86 said:

Hi Jeff, my promedia 2.1 BT no power supply, and noticed the capacitor blown off , could you pleas advise whats the code for this please, appreciate. WhatsAppImage2023-07-27at21_45_35.thumb.jpg.3bd6bd51809789c7f2ccdd3988713219.jpg



Exactly same problem here. Blown Cap and burnt relay. Got mine repaired once, blown again after 3 months.

Cap is 472M 1 KV (I asked authorized dealer repairman, replaced the cap but still not working)

I traced the circuit and also replaced OB2333CP, still not working. Now I suspect the ferrite core transformer as I checked there is around 290 Vdc in the primary winding but nothing came out at the secondary side. Seem to be a dead end for me as I searched label on transformer, but nothing came up on Google :(

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I found this thread while researching the issue with my Klipsch ProMedia Heritage 2.1 speakers.  After disassembly to look for any burn marks, or cracked solders, i have not been able to identify the specific problem.
The speaker system functioned very well for about a year. After that one of the speakers stopped working. Doesn't appear to be a DIM issue, or external wiring.  
Does anyone here have any experience or a similar fix for the Heritage system?  After searching,  the internals of the Heritage vs the ProMedia 2.1 are not the same, google seems to have issues locating any schematics/wiring diagrams specific to the Heritage system, and instead provides diagrams for the system referenced in this thread.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This right here just fixed mine. I just ran into this issue, sub only working, so I found this thread and just replaced my cap with a 10uf 50v cap to see if it fixed it and boom it did. So the 22uf cap has been ordered. Thank you for this fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

JeffC, you the man! C22 was definitely the culprit on my set of 2.1's as well. Thank you for the T-shooting and isolation. It is weird that my C22 was not totally sorted either, I was getting a hair over 7µF when I pulled and tested it. Makes you wonder if that C22, should have a cap with a lower ripple current than it does.

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