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Klipschorn Woofer Filters


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I was interested in the voltage transfers of various filters across the K-33E mounted in my Khorn.  I was surprised how much the voice coil affected the A and AA transfers.


Green  A and AA
Black   AK-2
Red     AK-3
Brown AK-4


If anyone knows the difference, if any, between the AK-4 and AK-5 I can measure that as well.





A AA AK-2 AK-3 AK-4.jpg

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1 hour ago, Schu said:

where is this leading us?


Starting to wonder that myself.


1 hour ago, deang said:

Would actually be result of VC and filter combined, right?


This is the voltage across the K-33E installed in my Khorn, connected to various filters.  Wouldn't the horn loading also come into play?


1 hour ago, Trey Cannon said:

You need to use a 4 Ohm resistor in place of the woofer to see the VT of the net...

Dean is right, you have VC and filter.


Am I wrong thinking that the driver is a part of the network?   If I were to use a 4 ohm resistor in series with a 2.5mh inductor, the plot would end up with a corner frequency of 255Hz, and then drop by 6db per octave after that.  That's not what happens across the woofer terminals when using an A or AA, as the voltage drops less than 3db per octave due to the inductance of the voice coil.   For some reason I found this interesting.



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