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Original Heresy Info?


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Looking for more information on what I think are original Heresy speakers. Consecutive serial numbers, 34R256 & 34R257 in H-WO style. Both generally in great shape and in working order.


Are these the original model?
Does the S/N indicate anything?
OEM serviceable to replace old parts if needed?
Online resource to learn more?


Bob J
Rochester, NY


Heresy 256.jpg

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The "R" in the SN means 1977



                    A = 1955-63*           F = 1968       L = 1973       S = 1978

                    B = 1963-64*           G = 1969      M = 1974      T = 1979

                    C = 1965                H = 1970      N = 1975      U = 1980

                    D = 1966                J = 1971       P = 1976       W = 1981

                    E = 1967                 K = 1972       R = 1977      X = 1982

                                                                                Y = 1983

          Trey's video he linked above will be very helpful.


Some more information here:



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@Bo3b -- welcome to the forum.  There are literally dozens of threads about maintaining Heresys here.  So dig in and start reading.


FYI -- Your Heresys are referred to as a Heresy I, though really their predecessor, the H700, was essentially the same speaker.

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Thanks everyone for all the help!


Learning but still have a couple questions...


Both speakers seem to sound phenomenal but my untrained ears could easily be missing something - Is there a simple method for testing output fidelity to be as designed?  

And any cautions on actually using the speakers after 40 years of idle?


Thanks again!

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8 hours ago, Bo3b said:

Thanks everyone for all the help!


Learning but still have a couple questions...


Both speakers seem to sound phenomenal but my untrained ears could easily be missing something - Is there a simple method for testing output fidelity to be as designed?  

And any cautions on actually using the speakers after 40 years of idle?


Thanks again!

The first thing I’ve always done with the vintage Heresys I’ve owned are remove the backs and unscrew and tighten every screw on the crossover network.  Doing that will remove years of oxidation and give a better signal transfer to everything.  Don’t forget the input wires on the cabinet backs as well.


There is a company, JEM Performance, that sells crossover rebuild kits should you decide to replace the old paper in oil capacitors.

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