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FOR SALE / Klipsch JUBILEE / These are now Sale Pending / $8250


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Let’s kick off the Fourth of July with a minor explosion and declare your Independence from shitt speakers. After much consternation I’ve decided to make available for sale my Klipsch Jubilees. I will include a poor picture of one Jube as representation. The are passive, not active Jubes using Bob Crites crossovers. To run as active you will need to purchase an active crossover network such as Xilica. Into the 402 is a HP200 from Faital.

You might notice the 402 is blue in color which is an automotive wrap Not paint and easy to remove. The 402 is standard black, flawless with no cracks. I do have the shipping cartons but picking these up south of KC is Highly Recommended.

$8250 / This is not a fire sale, just time to move on.

—for  truly interested parties I will provide much better photos, Klipsch factory SN’s, etc. 

Thank you and enjoy the Holiday 



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I am not sure what consternation means, can you dumb it down for me? (way down as you kno)


I have personally seen and heard these speakers. They are at another level. Excellent speakers, best I have ever or probably will ever hear. 
If he offers to cook for you, respectfully decline and run. Other than that Richie is a good dude you can trust.

Good luck with your sale.

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Wow. This is a smoking deal. If I had the space for these they would be gone. I hope these find a good home they rarely come up for sale. Richieb takes care of his gear. Like Mookie I have heard these they sound devine and look like they just came off the factory assembly line. Richie has a laid back style so these have nevwr been overdriven and only the best gear feeds them. Buy with confidence.

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  • richieb changed the title to FOR SALE / Klipsch JUBILEE aka Underground Jubes // $8250

@richieb , hope you sell these soon. Kathy says, “We are not buying a new house to fit these speakers”, me? anything is possible. 

If, you are interested in buying these speakers, you will never find a nicer person to deal with. I have purchased more equipment than I remember from Richie and have never regretted doing it. Truly one of the best on this forum. 

Best of luck with selling these truly magnificent speakers.  I've heard them. They are spectacular. 


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  • 1 month later...
  • richieb changed the title to FOR SALE / Klipsch JUBILEE / These are now Sale Pending / $8250

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