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Grating noise from Klipsch R-51PM only with optical cable + digital TV antenna

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I've been using my Klipsch R-51PM for about a year now and they've been working great with phonograph, and with AppleTV via an optical cable plugged into the back of my Panasonic HDTV. When I watch AppleTV (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) the sound works great, running at the same time from the TV speakers and the Klipsch via optical cable.


But today I bought a Best Buy Essentials digital antenna and hooked it up to my TV to watch EURO. Antenna works great, got the channels, etc, and the sound on my TV works great. Then when I switched on the Klipsch there is only a horrendous, loud grating noise, like static run through a blender full of rocks. It's awful. I check everyone on TV for audio is set up right, that nothing got bumped or messed up with cables, etc. And when I tried AppleTV again, that worked fine. This is only a problem with the audio from digital antenna channels. The only sound coming from Klipsch from digital antenna channels is this horrible grating noise.


Any idea what I am doing wrong? I assume it's my, because the speakers (and antenna, TV) otherwise work great. Can't quite figure this out.


Thanks in advance. 

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On 7/5/2024 at 3:39 PM, Pennsylvania said:

Any idea what I am doing wrong? I assume it's my, because the speakers (and antenna, TV) otherwise work great. Can't quite figure this out.

you' re getting interference from the Antenna  , there 's nothing much that you can do other than not use the speakers with this Antenna .

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