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Small room Accoustice - Ideas, successes, not so good


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I am moving to a setup where my listening room is small for my La Scala's  Say 10x12 or 10x11 with 8 foot ceilings, so looking for ideas to make things as good as I can


This is not about professional solutions, but real life trail and tribulations and hopefully some successes


Idea #1  what about using a rolled up carpet pad as a base trap   https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZQH9MR9/ref=twister_B0B5LX422N?_encoding=UTF8&th=1

would need to come up with a DIY solution for keeping it from sagging in a corner and for hiding it  from view. But it is dense, relatively inexpensive  COULD WORK. Most commercial solutions are much more expensive and a lot do not due much, this should at least meet the "not due much" level who knows


Second for diffusion, what about this  https://www.etsy.com/listing/1368102214/parametric-interior-wall-art-05-digital?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=parametric+cnc+files&ref=sr_gallery-1-37&dd=1&content_source=9f8cfd3596c9499044d6d2169219060ad411df51%3A1368102214&organic_search_click=1&dd_referrer=  it is only a digital file but in the hands of a CNC machine cable of handling a 4x8 Sheet of plywood it become an attractive wall hanging that COULD also diffuse sound 


If these wild ideas worked where would you place them on the wall behind the speakers, or the behind your listening position


What about the first point of reflection, or the ceiling, there has to be something else other than expensive commercial solutions. If a DIY project could hit 85% I think I could live with that


Your thoughts, ideas, comments are what I am looking for and hopefully some GOOD IDEAS



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