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Speaker ID and Information Request


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I was recently given these speakers from my Uncle's estate. I'm hoping someone can give me a bit more info on them. I believe the older one is a Heresy 12 possibly from the 60s. The tag states Model H.T.R 12 with a serial of 8.B09. The original change of address and registration tag is still attached. Unfortunately, he only had one. 


The other two are obviously newer. I'm thinking late 90s or 2000s. 


I appreciate any information you are willing to pass on. 


Thank you. 




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8B09 shipped 12/8/64.  Original components were K-22 woofer, K-55V mid, K-77 tweeter, and Type 4R network.  Not sure what the "T" stands for, unless it is teak.  There's another "odd" designation of "H".  Hickory???


The "Historian" welcomes enlightenment!

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2 hours ago, JRH said:

8B09 shipped 12/8/64.  Original components were K-22 woofer, K-55V mid, K-77 tweeter, and Type 4R network.  Not sure what the "T" stands for, unless it is teak.  There's another "odd" designation of "H".  Hickory???


The "Historian" welcomes enlightenment!


Thank you very much for this info. It's appreciated. 


Opened up the back to take a peek. Very clean and nicely built speaker. Impressive for 1964. 


Reading the reference data on this site it states they were originally built for use as the center channel for Klipschhorns. In 1964 would this still be that case and is that why there isn't a pair? 


Edited by Magista
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This is a possibility.  They went "stereo" pretty quickly, and the Cornwall took it's place as a center channel recommendation in 1959.  Still, in1964 the Heresy would be the economical option.  It did appear that it was shipped independently per the logbook.

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34 minutes ago, JRH said:

This is a possibility.  They went "stereo" pretty quickly, and the Cornwall took it's place as a center channel recommendation in 1959.  Still, in1964 the Heresy would be the economical option.  It did appear that it was shipped independently per the logbook.


I should have known there would be a logbook. Do we know where it shipped to?


Again, thank you for all the great information. I wish I still had my old Quad so I could run a nice little mono system with it. 



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