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k-horns AK4 overpriced @ 10k in Illinois


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I bought some odds and ends off of this guy over the summer. (He had a lot of random mismatched gear, both home audio and installed gear out of a business.)  He said he has a set of Klipsch PA style speakers in the basement if I was interested. As a speaker lover I was curious to see what they were.   Well, he showed me the K-horns and said he was selling them.  I said I might be interested for the right price.  He wanted to know what they're worth.  I said, depending on the overall condition, year, etc.  anywhere in the ball park from 1k-3k ish.  (The trick is getting them out of his basement.... not an easy task by any means!)  I told him that a lot of people go to eBay or look up the new versions and price them accordingly, but that is stupid!  Well, He chose stupid! 


These are not worth 10k, and even at 1k I might pass as they will be very difficult to get out of his house!  So, if you're up for the challenge.... good luck!  They did seem to be in relatively nice condition, but it was dimly light when I viewed them, so buyer be ware!



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