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new bargin Kappa woofers at PE buyout.

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Anyone thinking of getting Kappa woofers might want to consider these at Parts Express, product 299-2251 



They are new old stock factory buyout made by Eminence with 80/95oz Mags and weight about 20-pounds.  They perform more like the Eminence Kappa 15LFA  but these are 4-ohm version.  They are $79.88 each and free shipping on orders over $99 plus right now 13% off for Labor Day sale brings it to $69.50 each. These usually cost around $180 to $195 each.  I ordered a pair.




Model Kappa 15  Part Number   299-2251    Made in the USA
Weight    20

Large 3” diameter voice coil handles up to 450 watts RMS Power Handling
Power Handling (MAX)    900 Watts

Vented pole piece and large ferrite motor helps dissipate heat and minimize power compression
Resonant Frequency (Fs)    27Hz
DC Resistance (Re)    2.8Ω
Voice Coil Inductance (Le)    0.83mH
Mechanical Q (Qms)    7.46
Electromagnetic Q (Qes)    0.3
Total Q (Qts)    0.29
Compliance Equivalent Volume (Vas)    12.6ft³
Mechanical Compliance of Suspension (Cms)    0.34mm/N
BL Product (BL)    12.7T·m
Diaphragm Mass Inc. Airload (Mms)    99.2g
Maximum Linear Excursion (Xmax)    3mm
Surface Area of Cone (Sd)    862.6cm²





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5 minutes ago, SkyDover said:

I got around to testing mine so far they are working out nicely and sound good. 

Can you measure T/S parameters? I'm curious as to how well they agree with Eminence's claimed specs.

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9 hours ago, SkyDover said:

my son borrowed my equipment and I haven't seen it in about 8 months now

Understood. If you ever get the opportunity, please post your results. I've been frustrated by measured parameters that disagree with published parameters by significant amounts.

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Khornukopia, It's still considered generally to be a 4-ohm woofer though,  it's  RE  is 2.8  and the Eminence Legend CA154 RE is 2.92 but you will see Eminence list it as a 4-ohm woofer.

You can see the sims I did take in ohm calculations between each and show the differences, that's why the woofers are in the 101db/102db output range.

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Good point, if using dual + drivers you would want to do it in series, same for the K-33.  My K-33 have a RE of 3.4 but my amps are running the same for the buyout

Eminence woofer as it did the K-33, my amps run cool and maybe slightly warm if on over 8 hours in summer time, but my amps can handle 2-ohms without any problem but the flea tube amp I used to have ran the K-33 just fine but I never push the volume over in the hearing damage zone range.

I've never had an amp overheat on me thank goodness!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow,  Parts Express just put these hefty woofers on sale for $47.93 each.   I thought they were a bargain at $79.88!  Never thought a woofer like this built

like a tank to go for so cheap and still free shipping on orders over $99.  I might have to order two more at this price!  It doesn't say how long the sale is going on

for, I just happened to see they were on sale.

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