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I think I found the first two Cornwall II's ever made...


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I just stumbled across what appear to be the very first two Cornwall II's ever made at an estate sale and brought them home. Serial numbers 8560001 and 8560002. So 1985, 6th week, model 1 and 2 (I think). They are in great shape with a couple scuffs, they sound great and are completely functional. I'm excited to enter the Klipsch / audiophile community and have gone down the what amp(s) to get wormhole. What a cool hobby. Anyways, out of curiosity what do you think they're worth? I can't seem to find any Cornwall II's out there. 


Also, any somewhat affordable amp suggestions?






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We don't have logbooks from this time period, but I do concur that they were introduced in 1985. BTW, this was the second "Cornwall II', as by 1985, the company had forgotten about the original Cornwall II that changed from a K-1000 horn to the K-600 horn.


I can say that Tester (Ginny Sanders) is running the Klipsch Museum of Audio History's visitors center, and I saw Claudine Teague in Texarkana a few days ago!

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