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la scala al5 - isolators/decouplers between upper and lower cabinets


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i am new to Klipsch heritage speakers, owning La Scala AL5 for over a month. I am still dialing in the speakers. You may have seen my earlier questions too sorry for the barrage of questions.


I tried adding decouplers and isolators (like isoacoustics orea/pug) between the upper and lower cabinets. I can see improvements in clarity and focus. Not sure if any one of the la scala owners do add isolation/decouplers. Please share your experience.



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I don't have AL5s but an old LaScala where I can't separate anything mechanically. But my 2 cents. Others who have an AL5 may have more valuable contributions. 

Two things come to mind. Firstly, I would say that a greater distance caused by decoupling is not necessarily a benefit. In my experience, it's always good when the individual sections, mids and bass, are close together so that the overall sound doesn't fall apart whereby, on the other hand, the decoupling elements do not create such a large distance.

But on the other hand, it could be that the passive Xover and its parts vibrate less due to the decoupling and that the sound could become clearer as a result.

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