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How do I connect my R-120SWi to my LG TV without an amp or receiver

Chris Neeley

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I'm having trouble connecting my R-120SWi to my LG smart TV. I'm not using any amplifier or stereo system. I thought this woofer would connect to the TV with a Bluetooth or wifi connection. I am not able to call Klipsch until Monday. Today is Saturday. My TV is LG webOS TV UN8570AUD. Any help would be appreciated.

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You’ll need a receiver or something to process the sub signal.


If your TV has red/white RCA outputs you could try those but on lots of TVs when you enable those outputs the internal TV speakers are disabled so you’ll only hear the sub if you aren’t also using external speakers.


No offense, but I can’t imagine that it would sound that great even if you got it to work.

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wuzzzer is right; you need an external A/V receiver of some sort to enable the subwoofer to play.


Pg. 77 of the LG user manual explains how to connect a Bluetooth device but I imagine if you

successfully connect a Bluetooth capable subwoofer to the TV it will route ALL audio to it

and disable the internal speakers, which obviously will sound like garbage.


Should you go the route of buying an A/V receiver be sure it has the same audio input connection

as your TV's output connection.

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