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I've got a set of ALK CSW-450's that Al built for me last year up for sale.  I bought them because I had the bug to try different crossovers and settings.  These have been used for a couple months and are basically new.  Nothing wrong with them and they work/sound great.  I realized I was perfectly fine with my A-4500's, but it was a tough choice for me since I like cool things.  I am also trying to downsize on all the extra stuff I have (which spans to all hobbies).  

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I did do a sweep with these as they come setup from Al.  This is with 1978 La Scalas with the original K-33, A-55G's, and CT-120's.  



Wasn't exactly sure what to ask, but I paid a little under $700 for these from Al last year, so I'll price at $450+ shipping.  

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Here is what ALK has to say on their website: 

"The CSW-450 has all the features of the CSW but has a 2nd order (12 dB / octave) woofer filter at 450 Hz for improved performance from the Klipsch LaScala. It can also be used with any CornScala implementation that allows a 450 Hz crossover and uses the K33 or K33 clone woofer driver."


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