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Are The RF-7iii's Too Big For The Room (sound)?


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I have had a couple of sets of RF 7/7II and would sit at least 10 ft. away from the speakers and not point the tweeter at my ears.  One or 2 ft. from the wall will help if bass becomes a problem in the room. The speakers are large for that size room. Six in. woofers work well for that size room.

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13 hours ago, GuyIsDamGood said:

You think a pair of RP-600M would be enough for the room-size.


(I started with Klipsch RP-8000fs.   Then I bought the RF7iiis - (and two Martin Logan Dynamo 1600X subwoofers).


 I actually just set up a mini system for a friend earlier this week in a similar sized space consisting of a pair of RP-600-II's and a RSL speedwoofer II 10" sub- I must say that combo really works and plays reasonably loud. We all stayed up late drinking some beverages and towards the end of the night seemed to max out the volume but it was plenty loud and probably a good thing it leveled off where it did. If you like to jam at extreme levels on a regular basis I'd recommend towers but the 600's do pretty dam well up pretty loud and sound great. 

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19 hours ago, GuyIsDamGood said:

Then I bought the RF7iiis - (and two Martin Logan Dynamo 1600X subwoofers).

Umm. How do they sound to YOU? I really don't know how small of a room would be the limit...


19 hours ago, GuyIsDamGood said:

You think a pair of RP-600M would be enough for the room-size.

Imo, they both could work, but the RF7s would be hard to beat unless you are having issues. That's my take. 

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(thanks to everyone for their Audio insight)


I like to turn up the volume when listening to music (while not in the room - want to avoid hearing-loss). 


But I'm concerned with the 8' seating distance from the speakers.

(I'm going to have a sound-test while watching movies (Godzilla) with the wife)



YK Thom


You have the Ohm Acoustics 2000.   How is the Bass response with those speakers?

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4 hours ago, GuyIsDamGood said:

(thanks to everyone for their Audio insight)


I like to turn up the volume when listening to music (while not in the room - want to avoid hearing-loss). 


But I'm concerned with the 8' seating distance from the speakers.

(I'm going to have a sound-test while watching movies (Godzilla) with the wife)



YK Thom


You have the Ohm Acoustics 2000.   How is the Bass response with those speakers?

I find it very good. There is a down-firing port on the bottom channeling the excess bass energy from the Walsh driver downwards through the essentially hollow speaker cabinet which works extremely well.  I cross them over at 60 for TV and movies, turn the sub off and put them on full range for two channel music. They dig down to 32 on their own. More than enough bass for this room. I purchased these to replace my original RB 61 IIs that had been my front L & R and mains for music. There was nothing at all wrong with them. The change came about do the layout of our living and dining room. The Ohms are hard to beat when listening off axis.

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Ha! We had an RB-75 (Bookshelves designed to go with RF-7s/RC-7) Home Theater for the bedroom and found out it was WAY TOO MUCH for in there...


It didn't sound bad, in fact it sounded GREAT, but one night after going to sleep I hit the Resume Button on the remote and automatically the THX opener came on at LOUD volume and my wife informed me it was a little "too real," and we had to take the BR HT out. 😁

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19 minutes ago, GuyIsDamGood said:

Thanks YK Thom and Zen Traveler; for your insight/help.


Anyone know which of the two speakers better? (Ohm Acoustic 2000 or the Klipsch RP-600 (I believe the RB-75 is discontinued)



They'll be for my daughter and son-in-law's home-theater system.


Thank you 

I would lean to the RP-600 for HT. If they were using them for music and HT I'd go with the 2000 (which I did).

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