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La Scala Crites Crossovers


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I have a pair of '90s La Scala's with TYPE AL-3 crossovers. Unfortunately, one of the crossover's is going bad. The sound cuts in and out sometimes and to fix this, I fiddle around with the capacitors and wires and this seems to fix the issue. There doesn't appear to be any loose wires or leaking capacitors too.


If I recall, I used to have a pair of '90s with AA crossovers and I prefer that sound. Crites have 3 different AA crossover's - Copper, Silver, Gold. Are the Gold's worth the significant price increase from the Copper's $540 to the Gold's $820?





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The world is your oyster, whether you will like the oysters or not is the question.


Not sure where to start, but if you like the AL-3s there are a couple options to recap your existing crossovers. There are services offered to recap them or you could do them yourself. I’ve done them myself and found an effective “cheat” that speeds up the process and prevents a lot of aggravation. 

According to more recent discussions on here the AA was not designed for the drivers in your AL-3 La Scalas. But what sounds good to you is what matters. The new(er)K-55-M goes higher and the new(er) K-77-M tweeter has a different response too.


I’m not even going to get into what I would spend money on here… unless you ask, lol


Where do you live? I have some “spares” of things you could try before you decide what route suits you best.

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4 hours ago, thisgsx said:

Are the Gold's worth the significant price increase from the Copper's $540 to the Gold's $820?






 Geezus K Rist, $820 for AA crossovers?? That just seems nuts to me. If you can solder there are much cheaper ways to go about this. 

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5 hours ago, thisgsx said:

I have a pair of '90s La Scala's with TYPE AL-3 crossovers. Unfortunately, one of the crossover's is going bad. The sound cuts in and out sometimes and to fix this, I fiddle around with the capacitors and wires and this seems to fix the issue. There doesn't appear to be any loose wires or leaking capacitors too.


If I recall, I used to have a pair of '90s with AA crossovers and I prefer that sound. Crites have 3 different AA crossover's - Copper, Silver, Gold. Are the Gold's worth the significant price increase from the Copper's $540 to the Gold's $820?






I think you have a dry solder joint -

1) So that is the first thing to check 

2) unscrew and clean all connection points as metal will tarnish over time and the connection is not ideal 

3) If you want to replace the capacitors - Use Jantzen  





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21 hours ago, jjptkd said:


 Geezus K Rist, $820 for AA crossovers?? That just seems nuts to me. If you can solder there are much cheaper ways to go about this. 

Crossovers from Crites have sky rocketed in price.  At this point, I'd build for a simple Klipsch designed network (up modify OEM).

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I have already written about this topic a few times. I myself had Crites AA 17 years ago. Forget it. It's outrageous that Crites offers different qualities of bass coil. The original Klipsch coils are the best you can have and they will never get worse in 100 years. There is no wear and tear. Sonicaps as a feature of the most expensive version of the Crites AA are a tinny, aggressive sound. There were times up until 12 years ago when I was happy to buy other Crites products. But with today's Crites prices for fake AA xovers which are far away from the good original sound, I can only warn you. BTW your speaker can not use Type AA networks at all.

Today I have to say that this AA from Crites is not a serious offer. The price of more than 800$ for a few components is a provocation.

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This post is timely.  I'm in the market for a pair of AA crossovers and considered purchasing a pair of Crites until I saw the enormous price increase.  I sold my Crites AA crossovers with Sonicaps for $275 10 years ago after selling my Klipschorns.  I figured I could always get another pair if I acquired another pair of legacy Klipsch speakers, but I can't justify buying a pair at the current price.  Have these been greatly improved to justify the enormous price increase?



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2 hours ago, Appleskinner said:

This post is timely.  I'm in the market for a pair of AA crossovers and considered purchasing a pair of Crites until I saw the enormous price increase.  I sold my Crites AA crossovers with Sonicaps for $275 10 years ago after selling my Klipschorns.  I figured I could always get another pair if I acquired another pair of legacy Klipsch speakers, but I can't justify buying a pair at the current price.  Have these been greatly improved to justify the enormous price increase?




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  • 2 weeks later...

In my view, it's not just a question of whether you have a contact and hear something or not. It is also the sound quality if the solder contacts are far too old. So you kill two birds with one stone if you re-solder all the solder points.




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