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Fc of a horn

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Anyone know how to calculate the Fc of a horn with only this taper rate equation given? If not, anyone know how to use AI to do it?

Area of the throat = ((distance down the throat)squared)divided by 2)?

Another way to write it…Area of the throat = ((distance down the throat)^2)/2?

Or Throat Area = (D^2) / 2

This is a theoretical question so the starting and ending value of the distance down the throat are not considered or applied.

The point being…if only the taper rate is known, and neither the beginning or ending throat areas, nor length of the horn are given, what is the Fc based solely on the flare rate?


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From https://www.grc.com/acoustics/an-introduction-to-horn-theory.pdf, and assuming that you're talking about an exponential horn:


Given that k = 2pi*f/c, from just below equation (2), and m defined as in the paragraph just below equation (8), the text below equation (9) indicates that cutoff frequency f = m*c/4pi. The rest is left as an exercise for the student.

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