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Klipsch RSW-15 for $150 a worthwhile upgrade?


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A buddy of mine offered me a Klipsch RSW – 15 for $150. I’m trying to save up money for the rest of my theater (ex. new tower speakers)


I already have a Klipsch R – 120 SW will this be a noticeable upgrade? I really was trying to avoid spending more before I upgraded my towers, but if it’s a great deal I can go through with it.


It’s in working condition, but I have no clue the history or age. I’m guessing based off of release dates online it’s about 20 years old, so I’m going into this anticipating that it’ll crap the bed at any second.


I'm also open putting the money into other components. Thanks for the help.

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9 minutes ago, billybob1 said:

Welcome...as long as it is working, and it's your buddy. As long as looks also plays a role. In decent shape, worth 400+ easily. Just an opinion.

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Thanks for the help! Currently running a Polk system and was also thinking about saving the money and swapping to Klipsch's RP line at some point as well. 

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