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Wife wants me to adopt new way of thinking


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My wife is another one of those unique women who is very willing to allow me to experience my life and enjoy my hobbies without any retribution or remark. I have been involved in no less than three hobbies in the time we have been together (11 years), and she has been supportive of each.

Interestingly, the second hobby I got involved with (arcade games) still makes me a nice small income by which I am able to not only support these hobbies (hey, it's how my Klipsch stuff got paid for!), let alone provide me enough pocket money that I never have to touch the regular account. It also ia a very nice way for the family to share some time together, as we all enjoy the games. The recent setup of my HT has benefitted the family as a whole, so there's just one more reason for "no complaint" (besides, the Forte's are HERS - can you beat that)?

I feel very fortunate to have a wife who is interested in my hapiness, and I in turn do what I can to support her efforts as a stay-home Mom, who only works part time. Everyone benefits!

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Actually, after parting ways with a wife who totally disapproved of my "big ugly audio junk", I have reason to hope already with a new love interest I've begun to develop - we were talking about the trip to Indy and how wonderful those Khorns sounded - showed her a picture from the Klipsch website and told her the dimensions - she was like "are you kidding? They look beautiful - like antique furniture!"

Come to find out, she actually has some massive speakers in her living room and completely understands the need for size to produce high-quality sound at high volumes.

A keeper if ever I saw one!

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On 6/25/2004 3:41:36 PM Griffinator wrote:

Actually, after parting ways with a wife who totally disapproved of my "big ugly audio junk", I have reason to hope already with a new love interest I've begun to develop - we were talking about the trip to Indy and how wonderful those Khorns sounded - showed her a picture from the Klipsch website and told her the dimensions - she was like "are you kidding? They look beautiful - like antique furniture!"

Come to find out, she actually has some massive speakers in her living room and completely understands the need for size to produce high-quality sound at high volumes.

A keeper if ever I saw one!


Yes chicks with speakers Rock!

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maybe your wife is just expressing her fear that you'll tire of her and want a newer or better wife, and sees the potential for that manifest itself in your behavior with your audio gear. in trying to change your thinking it's not actually about the speakers, it's about her and your relationship. you might want to spend some time focusing less on audio and more on her until you can both work through the significant emotional quandry she finds herself in.....

okay, that was pretty funny, now go shop for the 3805 so you can drown out the sound of her telling you to be happy with what you have...

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Tell ya something that works for us (well, mostly me) is having sepparate checking accounts. I have mine, she has hers. She pays one set of bills I pay other. If she wants something, she does not have to worry about me having taken money out of our checking accout and vice versa. All she does ask for is that I put in some each month for our joint savings account.

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My wife talked me into going "art" shopping today. I said yes. Big mistake on my part. $3600 later we have a very nice oil painting above the sofa in our family room. Worst part is I picked it out. Could have bought 2 nice pairs of khorns for that! Oh well. It's only money, right?14.gif

I owed her one anyway. She's put up with a lot of gear purchases over the past year or so.

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On 6/27/2004 12:09:52 AM garymd wrote:

My wife talked me into going "art" shopping today. I said yes. Big mistake on my part. $3600 later we have a very nice oil painting above the sofa in our family room. Worst part is I picked it out. Could have bought 2 nice pairs of khorns for that! Oh well. It's only money, right?

I owed her one anyway. She's put up with a lot of gear purchases over the past year or so.

I think it's about time to buy those new 2004 Khorns that you've dreamed about isn't it Gare? Better yet, wait until the 05's come out. 2.gif

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Earlier this year my girlfriend came to visit me from Taegu while I was on a business trip to Seoul.

Guess what I was doing when she walked up to the front of my hotel?

Loading (with great effort) my newly purchased ChorusII's into the back of my VW Golf!

Mind you, she has never said a WORD about this purchase, however ever since then, I have noticed an upward creep in the price and quantity of the designer skirts, shoes, etc., that she has asked me to buy for her! Good thing she is worth it!

I have not yet computed the final price of my audio upgrade! 8.gif

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Hey Moon,,,,,,

We have seperate checking accounts and she puts about 200 bucks into mine every two weeks, I get to put my entire paycheck into mine. Pretty good eh?

Well, my account is the electronic account and every bill we have to include savings investments is taken out of my electronic account. I get about 100 bucks a month to call my own.

We "live" off her account and she said "more" speakers do not help us live. So the latest word is the only way I get more is if I sell. I then clarified, if I sell "a pair" I can purchase another "pair".

Hmmm, not anytime soon, but something has to go to get Khorns.

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On 6/27/2004 12:16:51 AM DDE wrote:

Who's the artist?


An Englishman named Michael John Hill. He named the painting "Lonely But Wise Old Tree." We thought the frame may be too much for the family room but we like it so much we'll decorate around it.

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Nice landscape artist-- very good trees in winter.

More like

A tree with a hair-net......echhhh! Is this guy the T. Kincaid of trees?

Am I correct in assuming this is not an actual one of kind original painting, but rather a commercial series (found in shopping malls) utilizing some form of industrial duplication technique.


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On 6/27/2004 4:08:34 PM Clipped and Shorn wrote:

Nice landscape artist-- very good trees in winter.

More like

A tree with a hair-net......echhhh! Is this guy the T. Kincaid of trees?

Am I correct in assuming this is not an actual one of kind original painting, but rather a commercial series (found in shopping malls) utilizing some form of industrial duplication technique.



No. They are all one of a kinds. No prints. He does seem to be fairly one dimensional. They look much better in real life then on the screen. No shopping malls either, just galleries. He's actually very popular but to each his own. I can't stand Kincaid BTW.

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mandi: I hear ya, man. My wife is a bank teller and every couple of days she leaves my "allowance" sitting on top of my wallet. It's usually a couple of $10s or $20s. HAH! But, I have it all figured out.....I still have my DEBIT CARD! WOO-HOO! 3.gif

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It isn't winter in that painting. The grass is still green and the other trees still have their leaves.

Beech trees keep their leaves thorugh the winter (although they are dead leaves), and drop them in the spring. Other trees do similar things.

Still looks nice Gary (I looked up the one you got). You just have to both agree it's okay!


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