DrWho Posted June 13, 2006 Share Posted June 13, 2006 So I guess the Pilgrimage has officially begun. We pulled into town at 8:30am this morning (after Trey and crew left Indy at 8:30pm the night before). It was a rather uneventful trip apart from the pinpoint precision fuel stops...and the hilarious "Are we there yet?" questions (first time I wasn't the youngster doing the asking - I was probably the only one dying of laughter). The day was pretty much a haze as I rode around with Trey trying to get everything lined up and ready to go. It was a riot seeing how many people he knew and the vast networking he had going on...there are so many "rules" being broken in this process, but Trey already has the cops on our side (nothin wrong with offerin em some BBQ) [] We couldn't even get 20 feet into Wal-Mart without Trey being stopped by no less than 4 people (one of whom was Roy Delgado - oh man he's so cool). And then in the store another half a dozen or so and another half a dozen that he didn't have time to chat with. The coolest part of today was a visit to the local Chamber of Commerce HQ building where there is a mini PWK museum / PWK office setup. I think we might have been there for a couple hours where I got to learn all sorts of crazy cool stuff - definetly a once in a lifetime opportunity. I cannot begin to describe how much more infinetly cooler PWK becomes the more I learn about him. They had a copy of his biography for sale that I think Imma have to go back and purchase. But ya, life is great and the hospitality of Trey's family is unbeatable. They're fun to hang out with and the southern cooking is AMAZING. I had a bit of a setback with a shoulder injury last Thursday and Trey has been going easy on me, but it looks like the whip will start cracking as the week progresses. Trey is pulling out all the stops and I have no doubt that this weekend is going to be a fricken blast. Looking forward to seeing the early birds too...there's a lot of work to be done EARLY Friday morning - I'm sure Trey will post a demand for help [] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BS Button Posted June 13, 2006 Share Posted June 13, 2006 Awful nice of you to offer your services in this manner. Khorns are kinda growin on ya now aren't they Who? BS Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrWho Posted June 13, 2006 Author Share Posted June 13, 2006 Still not too crazy about the khorn - but lascalas with good subage is growing on me. I'm also looking forward to the C1 versus C3 comparison and I think there might even be a Jubilee demo too (just my own speculation). Oh, and there's still lots more to come too... [] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleJ Posted June 13, 2006 Share Posted June 13, 2006 I'm free to help all day Friday, except for the Working plant tour. I have a list of cell numbers so maybe we can meet for breakfest somewhere on Friday morning. Can't wait!!!! JJ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrWho Posted June 13, 2006 Author Share Posted June 13, 2006 Well the plan is to start tearing down the tent from a church down the street at 7am and then run over direct to the farmhouse and get her setup before the plant tour...talk about an early breakfast! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleJ Posted June 13, 2006 Share Posted June 13, 2006 I could stand to miss a meal or two..esp with the menu that is planned for the weekend. Whatever time, I'm there... JJ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coytee Posted June 14, 2006 Share Posted June 14, 2006 I'm game to help also and can probably speak for Mike who'll be with me. We're leaving Knoxville in about an hour and will arrive in Hope this evening. Since we're on eastern time, we'll still be able to sleep in and STILL beat all you central time folks to breakfast !!! (of course, staying up late is going to suck) [] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators dtel's wife Posted June 14, 2006 Moderators Share Posted June 14, 2006 We will be leaving in about two hours. When we get in to town, we will let you guys know and dtel will be glad to help. Since I will be doing the driving dtel should be pretty rested/restless by the time we arrive in Hope. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jay481985 Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 damnit I knew I should have went! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colterphoto1 Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 I knew I shoulda dumped this wedding. But you have fun for me okay Doc? I like your descriptions of the activites, we might make a writer of you yet. The networking that Trey has done during his lifetime is part and parcel of his personality and helps him to accomplish his objectives. Note how easily he gets the help of others when needed. This is a vital part of your young Jedi training. Watch and learn young Who. When you're at the museum, could you pick up a copy of PWK bio for me as well. I'll pay ya for it when we get together. It's something that I should have had all along, time I caught up on my reading. In fact, why don't we do an online Book Club of PWK after the trip? I'm sure lots of guys might get the book and it'd be fun to do a chapter at a time and discuss. That is ubercool that you met Mr. Delgado in a casual atmosphere. He is a wizard and a genuinely nice guy. You can see reflections of PWK in his eyes if you look closely. Have fun and keep writing. It's gonna be hell coming home from that wedding Sat night and reading about all the fun you guys have had but I shall live vicariously through you. Michael Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrWho Posted June 15, 2006 Author Share Posted June 15, 2006 I can't believe how much I've been learning these past few days... Yesterday we started out with the goal of getting the PA tested and fixed and we're still not done. Got sidetracked with a tour of the plant meeting a bunch of the workers and then got sent off to setup a listening room with KHorns and uber expensive equipment for some sales dude from Denmark to give them a listen (was his first time with the speakers). There was a temp dude helping out and he was asking all sorts of questions and wondered how I knew how to do everything and I told him how a bunch of crazy old guys keep going outta there way to help Who out - the forum fricken rocks. So we finish setting everything up about the time Trey rolls in and he cranks her up to break everything in....ahhhhh, the glorious sound of new speakers at 115db+. It's been a while since I've given my ears a good cleaning and man was that crazy how you could scream at each other and not hear a thing as you felt the sound modulating your own voice [H] After that we started bringing out the PA and because I'm a gimp this week with my shoulder I just got to watch as huge awesomeness rolled outta the box. It was cool because Roy came down to help - crazy awesome engineer dude comes down to help unpack boxes...it was so cool. After we got everything out and into the lab I got to help out with the testing of cables and the sweeping of speakers - Trey is even letting me drive the cool lab equipment [H] Somewhere in the middle of all that it was time to go get lunch...with Jim Hunter and Roy Delgado and the sales dude from Denmark. We went to this place in Washington where you absolutely are required to try the "Earthquake cake with ice-cream." I'm sure Trey can hook all y'alls up with directions if need be. So we get back and it's time for more testing and setting up of stuff. There was this nasty buzz that occured at harmonics in one of the speakers and so we got to tear one of the 362's apart for troubleshooting. Somewhere in the middle of the project Trey had to go run off to a meeting and Roy happened to swing by and get caught up in fixing it. It turned out to be an old worn out gasket on the HF/MF platter thing and the midrange driver had come unscrewed a bit. I must confess I was a bit astonished watching Roy tear thru that speaker. We get her up and running and Trey wasn't back yet so got to talking with Roy about his history with the company and how he fits in the puzzle of everything. We talked about horns and how I was frustrated with what is taught in school and he has a really cool perspective on everything...which I think you could call the 'klipsch perspective' - Everything boils back down to actually listening to music. Heck, it's what it's all bout isn't it? Finally Trey returned and it was time to start putting the PA together and see what our wiring situation was. It was such a blast because Trey and I have very similar views on mixing and how we run things and holy crap that system is fricken awesome! Them subs can seriously move some air. Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon Roger showed up at the plant and was helping out...Let's see if I can get a picture of it loaded...[] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrWho Posted June 15, 2006 Author Share Posted June 15, 2006 And then here's a snap of Trey working hard on the amp rack. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrWho Posted June 15, 2006 Author Share Posted June 15, 2006 I can't say I blaim Roger...he was tired from his trip and listening to music on a pair of cornwalls. I think we finished about 9pm at the plant and were starving for some food. It seems everything down is closed around here so we got some Wendy's for dinner. Roger was awesome and let me crash at his Hotel instead of going back to the comfortable couch I was provided with by one of Trey's many buddies. Cell phone reception down here sucks - especially at the plant and my battery is dead and I cant find my charger so I apologize to all those that have called and I haven't gotten back to. Today will be another busy day so I'll probably just have to see y'all on Friday anyway. So ya, having a fricken blast and we really miss you Colter. I'll be sure to pick up that book and a few extra goodies [] Oh btw, me and Roger ended up talking till 4am in the morning...I think he's about as bad as you Mike - it reminded me of that first visit to your place. [] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deang Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Thanks Mike -- great read! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frzninvt Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Wow Mike, you seeing and experiencing things that most people could only dream about! Sounds like you are having a blast and the party hasn't even started rockin' yet. I am tempted to jump on a plane and fly down now. I will make next year's event without question. Your reporting is awesome and I look forward to more, the Picky report last year was fantastic and this year should be even better with the webcast. I wish I had a faster connection than a dialup at home. [] Keep us posted on the goings on! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaiser SET say Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 No, is that one of my (Better make that Roy's) babies I see behind Roger[] Did Roy say we might get to hear the Jubs again this year[] You know as it has already been said you are literally experiencing a chance of a lifetime delight Mike. Soak it all up and in[] Wees bees there fast as we can[][<)][8][D][ip] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jay481985 Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Nice read DrWho, I bet you learned things they won't teach ya at school [] BTW if you or anyone that is going to Hope, when going to the factory tour happens to see a woman named Barbara Miller, please someone personally thank her from me. She was the one that signed off on my brand new RF-83 (S/N: RF83Ch+0614001 + RF83CH+0610004), tell her nice job and thanks. They will provide me with countless hours of enjoyment and they went to a good home. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrWho Posted June 15, 2006 Author Share Posted June 15, 2006 Well we (Roger and I) are in the plant now waiting for Trey to get outta some meetings...Mark Kauffman and Steve Philips are down here in the listening room messing with some acoustical treatment and getting her setup for listening to brand new khorns, cornwall 3's, lascala 2's, and Heresy 3's [H] Word on the Jubilee isn't confirmed yet, but Roy mentioned that he promised some passive networks for it...haven't seen him around, but the Jubilee behind Workaholic-Roger wasn't there this morning (which is definetly a good sign). Earlier this morning we dropped off the first load of PA equipment over at the farmhouse where we ran into the Dtel's, Mikebse2A3, and Coytee - they're all off somewhere else cruising the area, but seems we'll be heading over to Texarkana this evening for dinner. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colterphoto1 Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Thanks for the reports Mike- wish I could see your smile as you trip the light fantastic in Klipsch World. Someone take some pix of Mike, Trey, Roy and Roger doing their magic over there! I almost feel as if I were there from your reports. Wish I could be but I'll settle for the thrill of reading about it all and watching the movie of the show and tour. I hope Picky can get filming as soon as possible. The setup is half the fun! I hope that rack of goodies and mics are helpful to you. So were you dealing with 362's out of the box, or did Trey have a PA setup in the warehouse there somewhere? Keep on writing- we're depending on you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stormin Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Fantastic reporting Doc. It's been great reading so far. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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