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RW-12 or RSW-10


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Beeing only a couple dollars apart (new rw12, used rsw10), I was wondering wich subwoofer would be a better purchase.

I have RF-35 mains and a RC-35 center.

The single-12 goes all the way down to 21Hz compared to 20Hz for the double-10.

Double-10 has 45W more power then the single-10.

Since I have a big ~500 sq.ft. open space area to fill with bass, im leaning for the more powerfull one. But my main listening position is in the middle of all that space. Perhaps a single-12 with better frequency response would be best for me.

Any suggestions?

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Even if the RW goes lower in the frequency?

Sound quality-wise, not db-level :)

I thought you said that the 'single 12' (RW12) goes to 21Hz and the 'double 10' (RSW10) goes to 20Hz?

WOW a 1Hz gain! WOOHOO Seriously the gain is not here,RSW series is much more defined,less colored and transparent.Yes bass can be transparent when we are talking clean and defined.

The RSW10 will match better with any speakers you may have also.Its a full step in bass quality.

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How much are you talking for the subs? You might want to throw the Synergy Sub-12 into the mix.

As far as performance, you should look at the peak output of the system. Looking at just the amplifier power is like looking at how much gas your car burns. Burning more doesn't necessarily ensure better performance. Efficiency plays a big role. And one of PWK's legacies was showing that efficiency and distortion are inversely proportional.

The RW-12:


29Hz versus 21Hz is equivalent to two notes on a scale, and 4dB is a lot more output. Between the two it's a no brainer for the RW-12.

And since I mentioned it, here's the SUB-12:

So the sub-12 is going to go even louder than the RW-12 and have nearly the same frequency response. Note that it achieves more output with the least amount of power - more efficiency. Also note the distortion specs for the amplifiers...

If you get the chance, try to demo the subs and let your own ears do the deciding.

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