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Fixing a Torn Passive Radiator?


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The radiators are relatively inexpensive.....best bet is to replace.

Any repair to the radiator, adds weight to the cone.  In a radiator, additional grams of weight is used to tune the range the radiator operates across.   Tipically the radiator is tuned by adding weight to operate slightly below the woofers resonant frequency.  The radiator overlaps this above and below that point at 18db per octave.  Adding additional wieght via a repair, will move the center point of the radiators range furthur than the resonant frequency of the woofer.  The furthur these points get, the less impact the radiator will have on the speakers performance.

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If it's a small tare. Cut a piece of single ply toilet paper just a little bigger than the tare to cover it like a bandage. Place just regular Elmer's white glue on the front and back side of the toilet paper patch until it is soaked. Apply it over the tare and press it flat on to the speaker. I use tweezers to hold on to the patch to apply it to the tare position. Take your time and be gentle. Apply to the back side of the speaker, so the patch does not show. Tissue paper does not work, because it tares too easily and paper towel is too thick. Allow glue to dry fully or use blow dryer if you want to dry it fast. This patch will dry like a hard piece of paper. I've done this more than once and it works great! Just another great use for toilet paper.

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