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rf-83 placement


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3 rear ports yes. Use the Klipsch.com link at the top right of this page to get to the product. Looks like you have enough space to pull them out in the room off the back wall. 3" on that left wall is tight but will provide for a little toe-in.

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One rule of thumb that someone posted on here was that a good distance to start at is to measure the diameter of the port(s) of a speaker and place the speaker the same distance from the wall as the total diameter of the port(s).

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If you are currently only using a receiver you will love the addition of an outboard amp. Shoot man, you got enough space on that left side to place a cornwall.[;)] I would buy the better speaker. Rooms are about compromise. Chances are you won't always live there so you will have a better setup in place, not to mention no buyer remorse.

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i have considered going with heritage speakers but im going to stay with the rf line for now. i have a denon 3806 avr powering everything now. when i do replace the front rb-81's i plan on using them for surrounds on a 7.1 system later on. i have rs-52's for surrounds right now. i am going to keep the rc-62 and build a surround system for my gaming computer using it and 4 rb-61's. i am so close to going ahead and ordering a pair of cherry rf-83's tonight.

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I have the rf-83. They are deep speakers at 21 inches........ it needs about 1 foot off the wall though minimally. I like cornerloading the speaker though as the bass is so much better (though not as clean)

Question, can you move you stand off the wall 1 more foot?

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