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Wired Science---Analog verses Digital


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PBS show Wired Science did an indepth comparison between analog and digital with four people with supposed gifted ears with tracks of digital/analog mixed and they only got it right 55% of the time. The big deal recording/mixing engineer said the differences are now so minute with the new analog simulation software it's almost impossible to tell the difference.


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The analog person has the only remaining, completely analog recording studio in the U.S., if I heard correctly. Was said by digital guy that early CD repros were on the crappy side (my words).

Would still prefer analog sound, recording/editing over digital as a template for music. Being dragged screaming between the older and newer tech.

Would also like average non-expert listeners, in a controlled test situation, to see if they can detect the, some say more than subtle diff. Interesting show.[co][~]

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