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A rare speaker find for free... but not Klipsch!


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I thought you guys would enjoy this. The guy that i bought my Chorus ii's from also had a pair of klh model 12's. He offered them to me for free. I didn't have room at the time since i already had the chorus ii's in my car. So i thought about if i wanted another pair of speakers but i read they were rare and decent sounding, so i was like, ehh, what the heck. I called the next week, and he said someone was actually going to pay for them. I said i could pick them up now. So he was like ok, $100. I was like i don't have that on me. I was like last time you said i could have them for free. He was like ok, stop by and you can have them, so that's exactly what i did. They are now in my house. I have yet to hook them up to my main system which i am anticipating. Enjoy. I can put pictures up if you want them. Mint condition i would say.

I was told to redope the surrounds, and replace the capacitors to make them sound brand new. Not sure if i should use capacitors from parts express or better ones.

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I don't want to bother to do a search to see what the 12s are about, but I will say that I had a pair od Model 20s (or was it 17s? - same speaker, different impedance) with the matching integrated. Sounded pretty ok and had the look - cool for what they are. Got some Scotts too that are similar but sound better that I use in the bedroom hooked up to a Fisher SS console integrated.

I hope you threw the guy $50 or something just to be cool...

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I hope you threw the guy $50 or something just to be cool...

That would've only seemed right since you refused them the first time he offered them to you (and the seller had them already sold to another afterwards...hope that buyer took it well that you got 'em anyway).

Regardless, enjoy!

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