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Did anyone see what happened to the Court Jester's electroshock collar and remote control? I hope he didn't make off with them, again! Sometimes I swear he enjoys it a bit much! [:o]

And he better not use them on the duck!

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And he better not use them on the duck!

Just hope & pray that I don't get Dwight here on the farm with Daffney... She's a little country farm gal and I'd really hate it if he couldn't keep up with her.


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  • 11 months later...

The next round table of the Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things shall be in the Kingdom of Indy, at the palaces of Lord Roger of Scala and Michael, Lord of the Party on the weekend of 12-14 June, year of our Lord 2009.

Here we see the target for this meeting, to put no fewer than SEVEN things on top of other things. There shall be not less than TWO such assembleages attempted by the Lords and Sires present in attendance. There will be much rejoicing!


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The next round table of the Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things shall be in the Kingdom of Indy, at the palaces of Lord Roger of Scala and Michael, Lord of the Party on the weekend of 12-14 June, year of our Lord 2009.

Ahhhh. Finally. The Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things is finally reconvening. Your humble monarch will be honored to be considered for membership. ( http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/100978.aspx?PageIndex=4 )

Here we see the target for this meeting, to put no fewer than SEVEN things on top of other things. There shall be not less than TWO such assembleages attempted by the Lords and Sires present in attendance. There will be much rejoicing!

(PARTY!) Not meaning to be disrespectful, Lord of the Party, but are there not more than SEVEN things on top of other things in total?

Let's see, I see not one, but 2 MWM single bins o' bass atop a fuzzed out wheelie cart or two. Upon which sits an MSSM and MSSM topped off with a big JBL horn (with Klipsch K69-A driver). Also an MTM box and KP362 atop the dual single MWM cabinets, and another KP362 atop the KP682 holey box o' bass for a total of 8? But SEVEN is correct for the target of the meeting as I assume the MWM bins will not be on wheelie carts in the park?

And to think the Lord of the Party sold the deed for an additional MCM stack to spread the good sound of Klipsch to the hinterlands....

Did The Lord of Thump aka The Lord of Things To Stick In Ones Ear really say there was almost too much bass? I hope he is ok?

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Ah but my good squire, the things that the other things are initially sitting upon cannot be counted as Things Sitting on top of Other Things. Thence one MWM-S and the KP682 (he knowest his numbers) are not among the things on top of other things. It just cannot be so.

Wheelie carts are not included as they are only accessories to the much more pronounced Klipsch Things.

I am most pleased to have delivered a further assembleage of Things on top of Other Things to the Kingdom of Louis, House of Kevin. It is altogether fitting that they reside there.

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I still have so much to learn, and I did have to review a recent picture identifying theThings Couple of Things on top of Other Things for the couple my brain forgot [:$]. (edit: ?! I think my brain is scrambled - should've been something like I had to review a recent picture to idenify a couple of the Things to Stack On Top of Other Things) The MSM and MSSM always seem to manage to slip my memory and I posted the MSM as MSSM. For the record, referring to the guide to Things to be assembled on Top of Other Things, the MSM is stacked on top of the MSSM.

(edit: note to self - quit posting after midnight or so.... and some of my best work used to come in the wee morning hours.... now I just degenerate into a blathering idiot)

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an easy memory device for the squire's faulty brain- remember that the Magnificent Squawking Machine (K55's) came FIRST, then the other unit was added and given the MSSM designation.

Now for an extra ration of gruel this evening, what do MWM and MTM stand for?

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Gruel? More Gruel! I should look it up the definitions but can't wait. More Gruel! More Gruel!

Magnficent Woofing Machine

Magnificent Tweeting Machine

now wait a minute, am I not the (self annointed) king of the Land of Klipsch... never mind, now I'm in the most benevolent Lord of the Party's domain aka HOK and Roadie's... and the Lord of the Party is the most estemed position in the Land of Klipsch as well... ($^#@%@! can't even annoint myself the good position some kind of puppet ruler I am)

more gruel? or did someone with half a brain beat me to it?

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  • 1 year later...

And he better not use them on the duck!

Just hope & pray that I don't get Dwight here on the farm with Daffney... She's a little country farm gal and I'd really hate it if he couldn't keep up with her.


It's been a long time since we've seen Dwight.... any idea where he is?

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