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    • With all due respect, I know I’m a little late to the party I have been experimenting around with clips speakers since the late 1970s there are some solid-state amps that don’t sound bad but however, speaking on just a heritage series due to I never owned any of their smaller speakers not for any particular reason just really don’t care for small SPEAKERS But in my casual observation, the big klipsach speakers on a hole like to see an output transformer to perform their best you can put a nice tube pre-up top and go solid state down the bottom, but it’s still not there like one older gentleman told me when I was young those speakers like to see and output transformer McIntosh have output transformers. I also have an old set of mono blocksthat are solid state Alltech 50 W per channel what makes them unique they have alpha transformers but without the tubes it’s just not the same. We all have our favorite meal. I would suppose this is theirs and to me that hold true with horn SPEAKERS. Here’s a big mistake using OTL. Two Amps, that para Clip speakers sounded so thin. I thought they lost weight unloaded them fast beautiful amp but not if you’re going to run horns just my humble opinion. Hope you find what you’re looking for and have many years of happy and enjoyable listening. 👍👍👍
    • Why would you not use the Yamaha's pre-amp outs to drive the M-L subwoofer?
    • If you’re ever replying to a thread that’s several years old and hoping for a response, it’s always good to tap on the username of the original poster to see when they were here last.  In this case the person you’re hoping to hear from hasn’t been on the forum since November 2020.
    • Thunkiin on getting a new turntable.  Linn boy changin up?  Nope, addin another one.   Got a call this morning about this thing has to go by Tuesday.  Naturally it's a family deal, blah, blah and blah.  Few others nosin but there's not one brain cell among 'em.  We'll see.  Gotta be cheap for me.  BUT!  I'm thunkin hard on this one.  Waaaaaay, outta the box for me.  How's that for a tease? 
    • It's my bomb 🚀 shelter 😄. It's actually the water company's pump house that's used to pump water up the mountain, to a water supply tank. It's a little bit of an eye sore, but it's not actually on my property but close.
    • Aware?  That's how I survive you know that.  So when ya read this grab ya a couple Heiny's and chill.  The first, to start thunkin some more and get the game plan down.   The second, to throw down on the way back to the bar to reload.   😂   Ain't your first rodeo.  Then it's back to the grind.  Yea, send all that rain ya want.  Could use it around here.   Hope everyone else in the path is good to go.      
    • Yes, will tell more... tuckered out.
    • They are great, very efficient outdoor speakers!  the woofer is an EVM-12L or Eminence equivalent.  It rises to about 102 dB/w/m in the midrange.  The squawker and tweeter are fun at 104 dB/w/m with a crossover very similar to the Khorn/Belle Klipsch/La Scala Type AA of the era.  If you use them inside where the high frequencies are reflected back to you, you will want to reduce the output above about 700 Hz.  Since the woofer's response doesn't go much below 50 Hz, you may want a good subwoofer.    Host a Barbecue and rock the neighborhood!  On 5 watts.  
    • People do that all the time but the two do not sum properly. Also, DE120 has in-network rising response that makes it pretty hot without correction.   My answer was to work with @mboxler on a new network to deal with these issues.   You can fix it with four parts. We are thinking of offering a daughter board.        
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