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Posts posted by Baenwort

  1. On 7/16/2023 at 2:24 PM, OO1 said:

    Acetone is very toxic ,  kids can touch it ,then lick their hands , , use glue instead 


    Yup, acetone is kept seperate from them in my locked tool space. However, once the weld dries it can be wiped clean.


    The power up test did not find any issues with the RF-7s. Other than cosmetics.


    Now that the kids are back in school I plan to take a half day and fix up the speaker covers by rebuilding the pegs. Hopefully getting the issue out of sight will keep me from making things worse while trying to pop things back out.

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  2. 7 hours ago, OO1 said:

    as long as the cones are not punctured right through or torn , you should be ok  , if there is a tear , you can apply glue to seal it .

    1st step.......  powering up the speakers will tell you  if the  woofers are defective or not  ,   you own the 1st revision of the RF7 , these woofers are no longer available except on the used market   .


    It doesn't look like there are any penetrations or holes. Would powering up cause damage if I'm wrong about any of the creases being more than that?


    What is a reasonable price on the used market if I have to go that way?


    I plan on powering them up after the kids are out of the house tomorrow on a grocery trip with their mother.

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  3. 20 hours ago, billybob said:

    Yes, welcome back! Would power them up and see. The center voice coil could be fine just dimpled like woofer, which should be good enough unless you hear a difference. If so would superglue the grille pegs.

    If you decide you need replacing for whatever reason, join the hunt for them. Let us know please... thanks!


    I plan to 3D print new pegs, sand down the grills, and use plastic welding to attach. First look makes me think the grills are made of ABS which is easy to weld with Acetone. I'll have to test one of the broken pegs to be sure of the plastic material used.


    Unless someone already has and can tell me the material used?

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  4. Waiting to power it up until I'm feeling a bit less likely to fly off the handle if they have a problem.


    Hearing the center bit is cosmetic is calming but I wanted to add some better pictures of the three cones that have some indentations on them I'm worried about.







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  5. So I finally took my RF-7 speakers out of storage as I thought the kids had become responsible enough and my oldest (8) has become my listening buddy.


    However, his younger sibling was not and engaged his curiousity and maybe a little jealous too..


    I'm too furious to power them up again. So I turn to your evaluation, will they work, can I fix them, or is it cosmetic and I should try to ignore it? (I need to figure out a repair for two of the grill posts that broke when the youngest pulled them off but that is a seperate project)





    Originals at: 




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  6. I have a similar situation. I purchased a set of RF7s from GoodGuys ~1.5 year ago and now the Right Horn is no longer working. I was able to salvage my Christmas showing using the RBs from the computer room to replace the HF side of the biamp but after looking through the closets I've been unable to find the receipt from my purchase and calling the store's old number and then looking online I find GoodGuys is no longer around to get a new one from.

    Am I still able to get a replacement horn? I've checked all the steps you listed above including the wiring integrity with my multimeter and the fault is somewhere in the Horn unit.

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