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Posts posted by JoSixChip

  1. Here are some pics:

    This one shows where my surrounds go, note that they are just hung for testing.

    Posted Image

    This one shows my problem, the speakers are too far foward:

    Posted Image

    This is the left:

    Posted Image

    This is the right:

    Posted Image

    My problem is that I can hardly hear them at this position, I think it would be better to mount them to the ceiling pointed down where the speaker jax are located.

    Just for reference this one shows the front system:

    Posted Image

  2. Thanks for the reply. My only real option is to mount them on the ceiling pointing down. If I mount them on the wall they will be forward (or almost even) of the listening position and pointing back to the TV. So maybe it is better if I go with a 3:1 setup (if there is such a thing), is that better then a 5:1 with the surrounds mounted on the ceiling? That would be a bummer because I already have the RS-42s. I'm going to post some pic as soon as I can get the camera from my wife.

  3. No pics yet, I'm out of town for a few days. But I will post some next week. In the mean time, my problem is that the only other place I can hang them are on a wall that is essentially in line with where one's head/ears would be while watching TV and the speakers would be facing back into the TV. This is in a basement with low ceilings (91ā€) and square pillars and cubby holes in inconvenient places, so speaker stands are not an option. Plus the speaker jax are in the ceiling where I want the speakers to go. Also rearranging the room is not an option as this is the "_" part of an ā€œLā€ shaped area that includes bar/pool/HT area and no other layout makes sense.

    Are you implying that I will lose sound quality by mounting these on the ceiling facing down? Please explain.



  4. Hi, I'm looking for help on how I can mount my RS-42s to the ceiling. I need to mount them pointing down. I'm hoping for a cleaner installation then just mounting them to a board and then attaching the board to the ceiling. Has anybody else done this?

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

  5. Thanks all for chiming in.

    I'm in Fort Collins, Colorado.

    Well the 6.1 Heresy system sounds great. The problem is that when I pre-wired my basement I put the outlets for the surround speakers in the ceiling. My intent was to mount Reference RS speakers to the ceiling. Plus my wife is not a fan of the old school look of the Heritage series, but has bought off on the Reference series. Add to that, my Heresy speakers have been beat-up pretty good over the years due to unruly parties and being moved across country several times. While they do still sound great and I will never let go of em, alas they are relegated to my personal space along with my vintage Yamaha R-100 receiver and Bang & Olufsen turn table.

    I appreciate the suggestions though as it is something that I had not thought through. But I am still thinking the Reference series suits us best at this point. The system sounded great at the store and these RSX-5s that I picked up sound amassing for their size. I am thinking of upgrading the receiver from the Denon AVR-1909 to the 2809 though. Still researching it, all these features and functions on receivers can be a little overwhelming. Anyway, thanks again for the input and please add anything you think would be helpful or just something I should be considering.

  6. Hi, I'm looking for advice and/or glorification on a Klipsch HT system.

    I'm a Klipsch fan from way back, I bought the original Heresy speakers for some un-godly price like 30 years ago while I was in the service. I loved that sound and despite the speakers being seriously abused I still have them, they still crank and sound excellent. Now I'm putting together a home theater system and naturally I'm looking at Klipsch. I found a system I like the sound of at Ultimate Electronics:

    RF- 62s




    Deneon 1909

    Plus a couple of wall mounted RSX-5 for a pool table area. I was thinking that I could use these to complete a 7.1 system as the back speakers. But I am unsure because they are mounted on a wall 90 degrees to the TV room and 8' behind the back of the viewing area.

    My TV room is about 16'x16' and the area behind it is open to a pool table area. The ceiling is low(finished basement) and the floor is carpet. My plan is to pick this stuff up in pieces to save a little money, I'm cheap that way. I got a new RW-10D off E-Bay for $325 and the RSX-5s at Ultimate Electronics for $155 each, I managed to get them to match an Internet price. So I've already saved better then a couple of hundred dollars. I've come to find out that Klipsch won't honor the warranty if you don't buy from an authorized dealer, but my limited experience with Klipsch speakers is that I won't need one anyway. So if I can save a few bucks and still get new I will.

    I really liked the sound of this system so I think I am sold on this speaker setup, and I am not too concerned about the complications of setting up the Danon AVR. I just don't want to be disappointed down the road because even this lower end system is expensive for me. So I am soliciting any input from any and all experienced users.

    Thanks for your thoughts,

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