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Posts posted by cityjim

  1. Sounds like U501 and or U502. Those are the N type MOSFETs on the AC/DC board. They are $2.88 each at Mouser.com. Then probably a couple resistors on the famous daughterboard, all on the same AC/DC board. Resistors are roughly 25 cents each. You'd need to check all caps, resistors and diodes on the AC/DC board. Go to the Thompdale.com site for all the schematics and drawings.


  2. Don't have the schematic in front of me but aren't these speakers made for 120 volts? LIne filter filters the wall voltage/current. So you'd be talking about wall voltages. You shouldn't see 240 volts there. UNLESS there is some special 5.1 Ultras that can run on 240 volts. And if they are 120 volts then obviously plugging them into 240 volts might of caused the issue.

    You don't check those 0 ohm resistors with the continuity feature. Use the ohm setting. Should read like you touched both leads together.


  3. Since you jacked the thread I'll add my 2 cents.

    I've read about several people that are not happy with Elliot and his service. However it seems to me the majority of people "eventually" got their speakers working again. Maybe it took too long for most kids to accept I don't know. Fact is Elliot doesn't snap his fingers and your amps is repaired. Most kids don't know the time involved in repairing these. Most are not a simple one resistor solder job. Elliot most likely has to order parts. That takes time. He probably has other things to do with his life and your amp is not high on his list. There are other places that do repairs. Stpetesheperd, heard good things from him. And this place http://www.sybesmas.com/home.html . And you sent him the amp. You had options if you'd do a little reading. Maybe you didn't know?

    You can post your experience with Elliot all you want. Just do it in your own new thread. You seem passionate about dogging out Elliot. If he deserves it then so be it. Again please start your own post about it.


  4. Have yours repaired and enjoy the best computer speakers on the planet. If you buy used remember they are also old like yours. Could go out anyday like yours did. Get a cheap pair of headphones to get you by till they are repaired.

    I just called http://www.sybesmas.com/home.html . They said it was $150 and ROUGHLY 1-3 weeks turnaround. Most take 5-15 days she said. She said the three weeks to satisfy most kids out there.


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